Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sunday Ramblings


A quick post as it is getting late, and I need to do a few things before bed. 

We are in the middle of the polar vortex. This morning when I got up it was -31C, but felt like -43C. We never even stuck a nose out the door. 

I did not sleep very well due to someone playing some rather loud music last night. Not the usual thing in this rather quiet block. I moved from our room to the room Kris uses when home to get away from the thumping of the bass. 

Today, was spent working on various items on my project list, and getting set up for the coming week. Nothing really exciting at all. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I don’t like hearing other peoples music - the loud bass is annoying. Some of the young people have their music so loud in their cars we can hear the music and practically feel the bass vibrations as they drive by. They will regret it one day when their hearing goes and they have to wear hearing aids.

    Keep warm and keep that front door closed!

  2. Goodness, I thought it was cold here but you certainly have us beat! Stay warm (and hopefully the music will be toned down tonight!).

  3. Stay in and stay warm. Home is the cozy place.

  4. Hopefully, the cold passes through quickly. The forecast for the city looks decent for tomorrow.
    Stay warm!

  5. Oh, brrrrr - whenever anyone says Polar vortex, I think of the film 'The Day After Tomorrow'. Did you ever see it? xx

  6. Ouch, on the temperature, that is bitter cold! It's 13 F here, so no where near as cold as you all. Stay safe and warm, Jackie.

  7. NOw that is cold! Stay home stay in!
