Monday, June 17, 2024

Menu Monday


I took a few days off and then had a heck of a time signing into my Google account to be able to access my photos. Man, I really wish they would stop switching things around on me. 

I got busy weaving and getting a few extra things done around the house so hopefully I am all caught up now.

Menus for this week are:


Leftover Tuna Casserole, raw veggies and dip.


Leftover Roast Chicken once again made into a casserole of some kind. The weather is fairly cool so warm meals are a must.


Soup and Sandwiches as I have a friend here for most of the afternoon and I can pull a container out of the freezer. Sandwiches are very quick to make.


Leftovers from Tuesday along with a salad.


Glace, potatoes and onions.


It is supposed to warm up so a main dish salad is on the menu.


Our usual roast meal. This time Roast Beef, roasted potatoes, and roasted carrots.

Our dessert for a few days is a blueberry pie, and I will plan on making a Chocolate Zucchini Cake later this week.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


I have almost finished my first weaving project. There are a few errors, but live and learn. Pretty sure the recipient won't care. 


  1. Doesn't Google just drive you bonkers some days Jackie! I have issues with it often. Your menu's for the week sound wonderful. xx

  2. Sounds like you've had some good days. Enjoy your visit with your friend.

  3. I love Google most days, but sometimes it is very difficult to get signed back into your account. Your menu sounds delicious. :)

  4. Meals sound good. I understand, computers keep getting things all changed up and it sure messes with those of us who are not computer literate!

  5. I know, just when I figure it out they change it! Happy looming!

  6. Good on you with your weaving, I'm looking forward to seeing what you have been making. I guess it's quite a slow process.

  7. It's funny how the way we cook changes between winter and summer. I certainly don't want stew or chili in the summertime and am always on the lookout for good salad recipes for this time of year.
