Wednesday, June 26, 2024



Life throws people curve balls and we had one of those today. 

Harvey's brother Bradley decided to drop in and pay us a visit. A visit that lasted almost 4 hours, so it was a good thing I managed to get most of the household tasks done early this morning. I also had to get away from his "Oh poor me litany." He is the baby of the family and was pretty much spoiled rotten by his mother and some other family members. Bradley lost his dog a few months back due to cancer.... and he is not trying to move on at all. 

Then he has been unable to work (or at least that is what he puts forth and is undergoing WCB tasks, like physio and classes. He is now applying for jobs pretty much all over Canada and not finding anything. I wanted to yell, you are 63 do you really think someone will hire you now since retirement age is only a couple of years away.

Now he is trying to sell the two houses he owns and says he can live off that for awhile. Does that sound as if he is serious about getting a job. Not to me. 

I finally went to pick up the mail and he was still here when I got back. I am wondering if he was wanting us to invite him for supper....

Enough rant, it is just I am upset that I couldn't knit or work on any project while he was here. 

I was asked a question by Maebeme about my salves and lotions. Sometimes the leaves or flowers are fresh, but most times they need to be dried  Most recipes say you need to infuse a carrier oil for 4 to 6 weeks. That is strained and then cosmetic grade wax pellets are melted with the oil. Some have added shea butter, and others have a few drops of tea tree oil, or Vitamin E oil. Then the resulting mixture is poured into small jars for usage. 

Lotions are a bit different and one needs to beat or whip the concoction to the right consistency.  

Carrier oils are usually olive oil, grapeseed oil, liquid coconut oil and sunflower oil. All oils that can be used on ones face or body. 

Supper is started, except I have to add a few things to the Greek salad before serving.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.


  1. Wow!! You sound so negative. Why don't you go and do some craft on your own and enjoy your day and leave the brothers to their little visit? Sometimes a sibling might just want a bit of emotional support from other family members without in-laws throwing their negative vibes into the mix. Some women are jealous of every relationship their husband has, even those with his relatives. This is why men normally have no support system if they become widowed or divorced.

    1. I am not in the least jealous of any relationship that Harvey has with his friends or his family. Even he was getting perturbed by what his brother was saying. We talked about it after his brother left.

  2. Sometimes an unexpected curve ball can be a welcome break and other times just annoying.
    I’ve always wanted to at least try and make a salve. One time and see how it goes. You inspire me. Today I made a menu and I haven’t done that in about 5 years. I used to always do that. I’m going to make myself find new recipes- and get back to doing what I used to enjoy. I guess I’ve allowed myself to get into a cooking rut.

  3. Perhaps Bradley could be a greeter at his local Walmart or Costco. That would take his mind off his loss although I don't think the pay is very good.

  4. Isnt it strange that unpleasant comments are always 'anonymous'? That visit would have made me feel much the same as you!

  5. If WCB is offering Bradley physio and re-training, it seems he can't return to his former job. It will be tough as ageism in the workplace does exist, unfortunately. He may very well need to sell a property to keep him afloat until his pensions kick in. Though he should be eligible for CPP now.
    My mom had a trick for guests who stayed over long. She'd look at Dad and say something like, we need to go do "x, y, z" and let so and so get on with their day. Most people got the hint. :p
    Thanks for the info on the salves/lotions.

  6. When family visits or we visit them, I like to have some quilting or English Paper Piecing to work on while visiting. No one is offended and i participate in the conversation.

  7. I agree with Elizabethd, why did Anonymous not sign their name? Sometimes guests do overstay their welcome and that kind of visitor can bring the rest of us down. I'm sure it did that to you and you were sharing that with us. I like the tip from Maebeme, Bill and I have a 'look' as well that leads to either the guests or our departure. :)

  8. Family dynamics can be a pain but sadly we can't choose them like we can choose our friends. We've been lucky because both of us have always gotten along with each other's family members.

  9. I've found it difficult to find a job at 57, so I can imagine it being even harder at 63.
