Monday, February 16, 2015

Menu Monday

My menus were switched around a bit last week so this week I am hoping to get back on track.


Spaghetti, meat sauce, garlic bread and salad.


Leftover Chicken made into something awesome (I am going to find something new in one of my books), the leftover salad will be perfect with whatever I choose to make.


Baked Spaghetti. This should use up the leftovers from Monday. Once again I will add garlic bread to the menu.


Clean out the fridge night. Should be lots of leftovers available to be used.


German noodles (aka Glace) served with eggs, potatoes and onions.


Sausages. I am just not too sure how I will make them. I am getting a bit tired of the casserole so I will be searching for something new.


Roast Ham, rice, peas and carrots, sliced raw veggies and dip (though this could change to a coleslaw).

Hopefully this will be followed closely this week. I do need to use things up badly.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Always enjoy seeing your menu...I have a Summer dish with sausages.a
    Mama Bear
