Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Things Are Moving Right Along

No recipe to share with you today but I do have some news.

So far it seems as if the energy changes we have made are making a difference, even if it is only a little. Every little bit counts when an electric bill is close to $500.00 for an estimate.

I have also been busy scanning pictures over the last few weeks and putting them in folders to burn to DVD's.

I am really enjoying looking at all the old photographs of my children. Some of these came from my parents and some came from my in laws.

Here is one that makes me smile.

It's a bit faded in one corner but it is one of just a few that I have of all three of our children. Kurt is the oldest, then our little angel Krista and the small chubby cheeked toddler is Kristopher.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

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