Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday Ramblings

Today was really warm. I am so glad that I got out walking early, still worked up a sweat though. Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer. Then the rains and slightly cooler temperatures will come back.

Things are getting back to normal around here after our trip, and I am enjoying being caught up. Still the cucumbers are becoming a bit of a problem. Pretty sure the neighbours are tired of me dropping surprise bags on their front steps, but I don't want them to go to waste.

I have started to count my steps every day and have been doing not too badly. There are days where I actually manage to get more steps in than I thought I would. Then there are those days where getting those 10,000 steps in pretty darn difficult.

Working on some of those projects that were planned for this month and hopefully have more finishes than I have managed over the last little while. I am working on the embroidery of the tea towels, pinning together another quilt top and getting ready to sew that one up as well. I would love to have the two quilt tops done, but meetings are starting, and prayer shawl ministry will begin once again. I will also be busy on Thursdays for awhile being a leader for our new Bible Study on prayer. I think I just might have over extended myself for the next 6 or so weeks.

Perhaps an update on

is in order. I have managed to remove 405 items from the house (this does not include using up fabric or the scrap fabric in the quilts I am making) this year. I may just manage to remove the 500 items that I want to reach this year. I hope that I can manage to rid myself of some of Kurt and Kris's many items they have left behind over the years.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Wow, that's great work on decluttering. Have fun with your projects!

  2. My decluttering started in earnest last week it has been on my list for so long so I feel good now been able to tick it off.
