Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunday Ramblings

On this rainy, snowy day on the prairies of Canada, with the help of our priest's sermon something became very clear to me.

We always think that our government should be taking care of homelessness, hunger, and other such things. Christ, on the other hand said we were to look after our neighbours. We are to feed the hungry, dress the naked, find homes for the homeless and we are to do so personally, with our time, treasure and talents.

Next week we are having a food drive at the church, and I plan on bringing everything I can to help out our badly depleted Food Bank. I have lots of scarves knitted and those will be scattered around my city with a note that says if you are cold please take me. We are starting another Habitat home and I will either donate, or grab a hammer and help out.

If we can't look after each other, why would we expect those in power to help as well? It is time for each of us to step forward and save those in need as well as save our planet. We can do this in small ways, not perfectly, but each small step by many people will make a difference.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. What's a Habitat home? "Habitat" here is a retailer of fashionable homeware! Yours sounds as though it might be different

    1. Habitat for Humanity builds homes here in Canada for those families that need a place to live. Money is raised to buy the land and the building supplies. The person the house is being built for puts in some "sweat equity" by helping with the build. Others help with the building as well. My city is supposed to be getting another off the ground shortly (hopefully not till spring now as building in winter is a pain) and I think Harvey and I should spend a day helping build.

      God bless.

  2. Sounds like fun the habitat house
