Sunday, June 7, 2020

Sunday Ramblings and A Rally

Today my city held a Black Lives Matter protest/rally and I have never been so proud. We had a great turn out, and I am going to share some pictures that a photographer shared on Facebook. He happens to be a friend of our youngest son. Byron does wonderful work.

Just a few pictures. What really surprised me is how many young people showed up. It give me great hope for the future.

Now on to something that is bothering me today. I have been visiting a blog for a number of months over the past year, and now this blog is no longer available for me to read. It is only open to invited readers. I know I did not agree with her last post, but people can disagree and still remain friends or blogging buddies I thought. Guess I was wrong. I have noticed more and more blogs switching to invited readers only and have often wondered why the bloggers do so. I think I might now have the answer to that.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I understand the need for rallies, but the lack of social distancing worries me.

  2. What is the point of a blog that is invite only. One of the things I love about blogs it being able to float from blog to blog reading about others lives. I have comment moderation on mine so don't have to publish nasty one's this works for me.

  3. I don't like the invite only either, usually they put up one post that they are taking the blog private and they are gone. Yes, very glad to see what Canadians have done (including the PM) in the protests. Now hopefully we will see some change.

  4. I agree, I'm not into the idea of private blogs. Why not just have a Facebook page. Maybe some people don't like it when other people disagree with them. Their loss.

  5. Didn't anyone read my last post??????

    I said, I could not stay blogging in Pretty Blog Land, right now. It was, and is, my decision, if I blog, or not. I was not having fun, with my blog, so I stopped blogging.

    But I hope to return to it, at some time.

    And I did not want to Delete it.

    Nor did I want it to still be available, for all to read, during this interim time.

    The only way to do these things, is to make it so-called Private.

    I have no control over what Message, Blogger puts up, on a Private blog.

    No one but me, has access to 'Wisps of Words' blog.

    It is not, a place, for me to post, only for *certain* people/readers. No one but me, has access to my blog.

    And it will remain that way, until I feel that posting there, is fun for me, again.

    Fun for me, has always been, my Reason For Blogging.

    I apologize for commenting here, after going Silent.

    Gentle hugs...

  6. Wow, what a wonderful turn-out. The young people will lead us to a brighter future I'm sure. They understand so much more than I did at their age.

    A private blog is simply a journal. I blog because I enjoy connecting with others and I've learned so much reading other thoughts. Even those times when I don't agree with their conclusions.

    Take care and stay well!

  7. What great photographs of the protest, well done to everyone.

    I know you're not talking about my blog, but I have abandoned my old one and am in the process of starting afresh if you would be interested in popping by
