Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Thrifty Tuesday


This has been a quiet day here on the old homestead. 

I did up the budget and even with buying the new printer and ink we are only slightly over budget for the month. Still we are underbudget for the year, which makes going on vacation a little easier.

I washed and hung up the sheets on my clotheslines outside. These are the ones I got from my friend. I folded them and add them to the old sheets I already had for backing on the quilts that I will make in the future.

Then I put away yarn. I can now see the floor in my sewing/craft room and am getting that much closer to being able to craft in there once again. Just a few surfaces left to tidy and things will be organized.

I mended a quilt, fixed an underwire in a bra, and hemmed a pair of Harvey's jeans. 

I made eggplant parma one night for supper and used up tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and bread crumbs. Today I picked 4 more eggplant and will make some for the freezer and meals later this winter. Still lots of eggplant there so I foresee stuffed eggplant, and moussaka on the menu next month (means a few changes, but it is what it is). 

Tomatoes are coming quickly and I plan on getting Salsa made tomorrow. Much less expensive than bought and it tastes way better.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Menu Monday

 A new week, and since I will be gone on holiday the last menu post until later in September. By the way how is it September already!!!!


Beef Stroganoff made with leftover roast beef, served over noodles. I always add extra veggies to my stroganoff which helps stretch the meat a bit.


Clean out the fridge. There is leftover Chicken a la King and still more Stroganoff to eat. I want them done before I go shopping on Wednesday. I may break down and add some corn on the cob, just to make sure that what I bought at Costco does not spoil.


Soup and sandwiches. A quick and easy meal made from the tomato soup base I have in the freezer, and grilled cheese sandwiches.


Stew and dumplings.


Maple glazed salmon fillets, rice and corn on the cob.


Hamburgers, potatoes, and a tossed salad.


Roast pork, roasted potatoes, roasted carrots.

I have to do a bit of baking this week. Hopefully a bit tomorrow and then again on Thursday. Sweets for travel, and some for Kris if he stays here for the week we are gone.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sunday Ramblings


It has been a relatively quiet day. We went to 9 am Mass which is a first for us. I actually thought that perhaps, just perhaps, Father wouldn't ramble on and on....Didn't quite work out that way. It wouldn't be bad if he didn't speed up so much that we have trouble understanding him. Once that happens I find myself contemplating the stained glass windows and doing the Stations of the Cross in my head. 

This time I had something else to contemplate. As I gazed at the large stained glass behind the altar, I noticed something on the roof. Hmmm, I thought when did we get fire extinguishers (the water type) added to the ceiling of the sanctuary? So I looked around the roof, there was only one in the whole church. Strange. As I squinted to see this fixture a bit better I realized it was a bat. A fairly large bat hanging there. 

All that I could think once I realized what the rather large black thing hanging from the roof was, all I could do was pray. I just kept asking God to keep that bat attached to the roof and not let it fly around.... I could just imagine the screams if it happened to fly at someone. 

We came home, I ate a light breakfast (well say lunch) and headed out to the garden. Three more cukes picked, and a number of both large and small tomatoes. 

While out there I glanced at the eggplant. Yep I will be needing to pick those and make Eggplant parma for the freezer this week. I am hoping that I get enough tomatoes to make a batch of salsa as well.

I took some cukes to a neighbour and visited with them for a little bit. Both are not healthy and I think pretty darn lonely. I am going to make an effort to get over there a bit more in the coming months.

Then the small tomatoes were quartered thrown in a bag and put in the freezer. I am hoping to gather enough to make a few containers of red sauce.

It is warmer today and since the air conditioner is coming on I decided to bake a cake.

A spice cake with caramel frosting. I haven't made one of these in a very long time. It should be able to handle our sweet tooth for a bit.

I finished cleaning up files on the computer, and from there went into the disaster that is my sewing/craft room. I managed to get a bit done in there as well. At least now I can actually move around most of the room. Still a great deal to do in there, but I am starting to see surfaces and the floor (for the most part). I will probably do a bit more tomorrow. Perhaps getting the mending done would be a great start.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Saturday Round Up and Frugal Friday

 I will start with a round-up of what has been happening on the old homestead. 

Mostly garden stuff.

I made Eggplant Parma. Used a new recipe and really enjoyed it. Sorry no picture.

Made Sweet Pickle Relish.

The recipe lied. It said the whole thing would make 4 half pints. Well here is three half pints (I always plan on the batches being a bit bigger than they say) and I have 4 very small plastic containers in the fridge. Those will have to be used quickly.

Dehydrating is on going.

Just a few of the air tight freezer bags I have gotten done this week. More will likely appear tomorrow.

Yesterday we traveled to Regina for a bit of a stock up (turned into a bigger stock up than planned, but that is okay). We also had Kris with us for most of the day which is always great. I took him some cukes and bell peppers (yellow and orange ones) which he was very happy to get. 

I didn't get to the fabric store, but hopefully that will happen very soon. I will more than likely take a friend.

The day started of drizzly, but by the time we reached our first destination the drizzle had almost stopped. The day turned sunny and quite warm. I did get to Michael's and picked up the items I needed for Christmas crafts, and a couple of other items (yarn being one). 

Then it was off to Best Buy to purchase ink for our new printer. I did manage to find black ink, but we ended up having to go to Staples to get the coloured inks. We should be set now for the winter and perhaps beyond.

I think I mentioned we bought the Epson Eco Tank printer and strangely enough the large bottles of ink did not cost any more than the cartridges did for our old printer, and they should/will print many more pages.

We even made it to Home Depot to pick up the items Harvey needed for his planned bathroom reno (should say fix, though it will probably be a bit larger fix than he planned).

Lastly it was off to Costco for the stock up on cleaning supplies (not too many), laundry detergent, and foods that are less expensive there.

We had supper out, lovely not to have to cook, and then gave Kris some of the buns he loves from Costco (took extra zip locks with me) and dropped him off.

Turns out he is taking a weeks holiday while we are in Jasper, but is coming home for the long weekend. I think we might have convinced him to stay at the house for his holiday. He can use Harvey's truck to go fishing, have a fire in the back yard, and get out of the city for a bit. We save as well since we would not need to bug anyone to look after my plants and garden. We will see what he says once he gets here on Friday or Saturday. Keeping my fingers crossed.

We drove home in driving rain, up until we got 10 miles from home and the rain stopped....We did get a bit as we were hauling in things from the vehicle, but not as much as we were told we could get.

Now on to the next portion of my post.

We only had to water my pots once this week as we did get enough rain to keep things damp until today.

The usual hanging clothes on the lines to dry.

Using up fresh produce from the garden as quickly as I can. However the cukes are getting away from me as is usual.

No spending on 4 days this week. I love no spend days.

Windows have been open all week and no air conditioning. Power bill will hopefully be lowered a bit.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Tuesday Tidbits


I managed to get a hold of Kris yesterday and said that since he would likely be working would he like to meet up for supper in the city. Of course he said yes. Then this morning he sent me a text saying he was going to take the afternoon off since he had banked time. We weren't going to be in the city until around 1 so will pick him up, have an early supper and try and get home before dark. He really does like to go shopping with us for some odd reason.

Today has been spent dehydrating herbs, baking bread, and making relish. Hopefully the salsa will be made before we have to leave on holiday. I really would like to get as much accomplished as I can in regards to the garden before we leave. I noticed some eggplant are getting pretty large so I think that one day next week I will be making more Eggplant Parma and putting them in the freezer for meals later this winter. Busy time here on the old homestead, that's for sure.

I attended a Bible Study Leaders meeting last night and will be spending some time watching video's. I will need to let someone know which theme I want to lead. I also have to let them know which time slot I would like to be in, afternoon or evening.

Also learned that Mass times are sticking to what we have now. This means 5pm on Saturday nights, 9 and 11 am on Sunday mornings. Big switch up but I am sure we will all get used to it sooner than later hopefully.

Out to pick a couple of cukes to take to Kris tomorrow. They are coming fast and furious. Not keeping up at all.

I hope to be able to make a quick post when we get home tomorrow and show any deals I managed to pick up.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Thrifty Tuesday and Menus

 I got busy with company yesterday afternoon, and then sewing the binding on the quilt. The day slipped right by, so I missed my Monday Menu post.

So I have added it to todays post.


Eggplant Parma.


Meatloaf, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes and cucumbers.


Soup and Sandwiches. Probably ham salad or chicken salad sandwiches.


Clean out the fridge or steak, potatoes, and coleslaw if there aren't enough in the way of leftovers.


Probably an early supper in the city as I want to go to Costco, Michael's, and Fabricland to do a bit of a stock up.


BBQ pork chops, coleslaw and tinfoil potatoes and carrots.


Leftover ham, scalloped potatoes, sliced raw veggies (carrots, tomatoes, cukes, and yellow peppers).

Now on to my usual Tuesday post.

Laundry was hung outside to dry on Monday (it was sunny and fairly warmish).

I used up eggplant from my garden as well as tomato sauce I had made last year.

Leftovers were used up in lunches or another meal.

I have patched a pair of Harvey's work jeans.

Started making my list of stock up items for our shopping trip.

A friend brought me some old mismatched sheets which will be used for backing on quilts.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Sunday Ramblings


So, I have been a bit down in the dumps since my visit with my GP. It seems she is leaving in October so I will be switched to another doctor in the practice. I can't blame her as her husband and son live in another province and her husband can not sell his business. I will really miss her as she is the best doctor I have had here in this city. Not sure about the doctor that is taking over her patients as he is Harvey's doctor and does not seem at all thorough. At this point though I can not be without a doctor, so we shall see what happens.

It has been cold and raining here the last couple of days. Nice that I do not have to water plants, but it has put my harvesting and processing on hold. Hopefully I can get caught up next week.

I have managed to work on a few things this week.

I tried a new pie recipe.

Raspberry Citrus Pie, it was chilling in the fridge when I took this picture. Very tasty.

I used buttons this time around to quilt this, and managed to get the binding up to the point that I need to hand sew it. I should be able to finish it off tomorrow. Then move on to working on the cross stitch, providing the sun is shining.

I went for a walk this afternoon between showers and happened to find this when I looked down.

A twenty dollar bill!!! This will go in my savings envelope. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Frugal Friday


We have been getting a nice soaking rain since last night. I love it as the garden, containers and lawns really need the moisture. It also enables me to get caught up on processing garden veggies that I have harvested over the last while. 

So what frugal past times have been occurring on the old homestead this week.

1.  Laundry done frugally as possible and always using cold water for the rinse.

2.  Windows open the last few days and nights. This means no air conditioning costs and while the mornings are slightly chilly we have lots of blankets to curl up in.

3.  Even though I did not get out and walk at all today I have managed to do so on the other days this week. I should make my 10k step goal today as well.

4.  Only one day of spending this week and I stuck to my grocery list. I did notice higher costs though especially in the meat department. I think I will be looking up more meatless meals and using less meat in the casseroles.

5.  Found green yarn in my stash to knit my friends little nephew a prayer shawl. 

6.  Got those freezer pickles started today. I will be able to package them in three days. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Thursday Tidbits

 We got rain!!! Not much but at least the roads are wet and there are a few puddles. I am hoping we get a bit more.

I went shopping today and once again suffered sticker shock. I bought a small pork roast, maybe 2 lbs at the most and it cost me $14.47. Meat is outrageous as is dairy and produce. I am very glad that our garden is finally producing. I couldn't find any decent lettuce so we will be having coleslaw only this week. Things are going to be stretched as far as possible until or if prices come down a bit. 

I got all the food into the fridge, cleaned things up a bit as well. As I looked at the interior, I realized most of my storage containers are getting old and worn. I am going to start looking for glass storage containers at the Salvation Army and keep an eye open when shopping for sales. Glass will be so much better and last so much longer. I will not have to replace them as often as the Rubbermaid ones...May use some of them for storage of smaller items in the sewing/craft room if they are in decent shape.

Tomorrow before my appointment I hope to get the counters in the kitchen, the appliances on said counter and the wall behind all clean and tidy. Things are getting stuck places where they shouldn't be. After getting home I might manage to clean the hall walls. They aren't really dirty, just dusting so a damp cloth should clean them nicely. I also will use up some of the cucumbers and make those freezer pickles. 

I have changed my menu slightly in order to use some of our garden bounty. Tonight I took the leftover chili, mixed it with pasta (elbow macaroni) and stuffed four peppers. Still have lots of chili left so I will probably warm that up for our supper on Saturday. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Putting The New Fridge Together and Other Stuff

 The days are slipping by so very quickly. The garden is taking up lots of my time, so other projects are taking a bit of a back seat. I am managing a few things, but not as much as I would like.

Yesterday was spent getting our new fridge installed and cold enough to move the food from the old fridge in. Took most of the day, but here it is.

All set up and being used (well except for the ice maker, according to the book that takes at least 24 or more hours). I love certain things about it, but hate some others. I am sure I will get used to it though.

Then this morning we took apart the old fridge, got it into Harvey's truck and he took it to the dump. That took up a few hours this morning. He also had to go to an appointment at the optometrist to get his field of vision test done. 

Moving furniture was next as well as reinstalling doors. 

I mentioned being able to pick plums at the neighbours and here is a picture of some of the washed ones. 

Harvey ate the first half that I washed and has started on the second half.

It has been really smoky here due to the fires in Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. This is what the sun has looked like most nights as it sets.

This picture does not show how brilliantly orangey pink the setting sun really was. During the day I can't even see the power plant just south of us.

Harvesting the garden is on going. 

This is what I picked today, and there is probably lots I missed since I was fighting mosquitoes and canola beetles (they have moved into gardens since combining started).

I am going to change up a few things in this weeks menus, buy some freezer containers to make freezer pickles. I just do not want to waste anything at all. Mostly because costs of produce and other groceries are rising and will continue to rise for the foreseeable future. 

I also made apple sauce and got it into the freezer and even chopped/diced apples and dehydrated them to be used in muffins and loaves. No picture though sorry.

I did get a quilt top sandwiched and I hope to machine quilt it after grocery shopping tomorrow. Harvey always asks if we don't have enough, but the more we have the less I will worry about freezing if the power goes out this winter. I can always use them for gifts as well.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Menu Monday


A new week and we are midway through the month already. Not too long before we go away for a bit of a break.

It has been very hot here over the past couple of days so the pork roast I was going to make yesterday went bye-bye. This now entails me redoing my menu a bit.


Chili and toast.


It is supposed to be rainy and cooler today so I will probably put my pork roast in the oven (a no think meal as well since the new fridge will be arriving tomorrow). There will be roast potatoes, and roast carrots.


Leftover chili served over pasta.


I will make a pork casserole of some type and serve it with coleslaw.


Pancakes. Breakfast for supper.


Leftover pork casserole and a salad.


Roast Chicken, potatoes, carrots and the remains of the salad.

Everybody have a wonderful day. 

God bless.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Frugal Friday

 Well there have been a few frugal things happening on the old homestead this week.

1. Free fruit picked from the neighbours yard. I washed and stored the plums and tomorrow I will be making apple sauce.

2. Changed the menu a bit so I could use more up from the fridge.

3. Combined errands to save on fuel and wear/tear on the vehicle.

4. Hung clothes on the lines downstairs since it rained a bit on Monday.

5. Dehydrated yet more herbs.

6. Harvested tomatoes, cukes and peppers from the garden. May be a change in menu for next week, I foresee stuffed peppers.

7. Watered with rain water from the barrel.

8. Had 5 no spend days this week.

9. Put $40.00 in the savings envelope.

10. Put $5.65 in the change jars.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Thursday Tidbits

 We have had another fairly cool day, which enabled me to get out this afternoon after the funeral for my friends Dad and pick both apples and plums. I actually got Harvey to give me a hand, something that really never has happened. Tomorrow I plan on making apple sauce with those apples.

Our new glasses were in and so we got to get them fitted and bring them home. Not sure about mine as I am used to transition lenses and now I have to remember to put clip on sun glasses. Which I forgot once today. It is going to be a learning curve for sure.

Made an appointment to see my GP as well. Masks need to be worn, but at least it will be a face to face meeting after almost 2 years of not seeing her. My appointment is on the 20th of this month and I will more than likely be sent for blood and urine work as well as an EEG. I will get my scripts refilled, and probably have to set up another appointment for my annual physical which is 2 years instead of one. I also want to talk to her and see if there is anyway I can have a yearly check up with an OB/GYN here instead of having to travel to Regina once a year. We are getting a bit too old to be on the road in the middle of winter, and since I was told that I had to do this check for the rest of my life I am really hoping that someone here is qualified to do the check.

Other than that life has been passing by on silent cat's paws. The days slip by and at times I wonder where they have gone. I wonder if that is an age thing?

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Pickles In A Bucket (Pail or large Glass Jar)


Pickles In A Bucket

4 cups granulated sugar

2 cups white vinegar

2 tbsp coarse pickling salt

1 tsp tumeric

1 tsp celery seed

1 tsp mustard seed

Mix these ingredients in an ice cream pail, or ice cream bucket of large glass jar.

5 cucumbers with peel sliced thinly

I usually only add cucumbers to the brine, but you can add some thinly sliced peppers (red and green), as well as a thinly sliced spanish onion. 

Let the whole thing stand for about 2 hours and add more slices of cucumber and push them down into the liquid.

Cover and store in the fridge, it says they keep 6 months but I have found they keep slightly longer.

I have also made these pickles when I have an abundance of cukes because I am not making relish.

Freezer Pickles

7 cups sliced cucumbers with peel

1 large onion thinly sliced

1 cup thinly sliced red and green peppers, seeded

1 tbsp coarse pickling salt

1/2 tsp celery seed

1 cup white vinegar

2 cups granulated sugar

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Stir well. Cover and put in fridge for three days. Stir once every day. Pack into freezer containers, and make sure brine covers to within 1 inch of top. Freeze. Thaw before serving. They keep in the fridge for 8 weeks and in the freezer for at least a year.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Thrifty Tuesday


A few thrifty things have been going on here on the old homestead, and a few not so thrifty right at the moment, but will be considered thrifty in the months ahead.

We bought a new fridge as the old one was starting to have a few problems. We did get it on sale, and it is even going to be delivered very quickly.

I got a new pair of trainers as well. They were also on sale so that is great. 

I mended a few of Harvey's boxers. Some were not able to be fixed as once he gets a rip or hole in something he kinda makes sure I can't fix it by ripping further. This meant getting him some new boxers as well. 

Quite the spending week all told.

Darned a pair of my socks and fixed a hem on a pair of my shorts.

Used up all leftovers in the fridge, which has made for some interesting meals, or additions to meals.

Working on cutting up the prepared jean material into 4 inch squares. There is much more than I thought and after doing what would be 5 pairs I have taken a break.

Instead of taking a meal to my friend who lost her father, I took over prayer shawls for her and her sisters (I am kinda friends with two of the three or at least know them fairly well). These have been made for awhile and were being kept until Covid protocols at the church would enable me to take them there. Cleaned out some space and gave them to people who need them.

Air conditioner has been off for a few days and we have even been able to open the windows to let in a cool breeze a few nights.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Menu Monday


We had a bit of rain today and things have cooled down a bit. But, and it is a big but things will be warming up once again as the weekend nears.

Also some really great news, our fridge will be delivered on the 17th just a bit over a week since it was ordered.

Menu time, but I will admit to changing the menu that was planned yesterday. It was just so hot so a cold plate using up some boiled eggs, pickles, salads, and leftover ham took it's place. 


Since it is cooler today I am making the roast meal that we were going to have yesterday. Beef, potatoes and salad.


Chicken legs with backs attached probably done on the BBQ along with creamed potatoes, tinfoil carrots/mushrooms and a salad that uses up the leftover cauliflower and broccoli.


Some of the leftover roast beef perhaps made into roast beef sandwiches along with the remains of the salad and homemade fries.


Soup and sandwiches (perhaps a chef's salad depends on what is in the fridge). 


Lazy perogy casserole since this did not get made either last week. 


Clean out the fridge.


Roast pork, roasted potatoes, roasted carrots and a coleslaw.

I will post the pickle recipe on Wednesday.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Sunday Ramblings


Ahh, the last day of a week. Or perhaps the first day depending on your calendar or how you view the week.

I did not make the menu planned for today as it was so freaking hot here. At 3 pm the temperature reached 34C with a feels like temperature of 40C. No way was I going to heat up the house by turning on the oven.

So supper was a kind of sort of mish mash of cold plate and things I could make on top of the stove. The roast meal will probably be done later in the week when temperatures are supposed to drop.

I promised you all some pictures.

Pickles in a bucket...though in my case it is Pickles in a large glass jar. I may be able to add another few slices of cucumber or perhaps a whole small cucumber.

Mint jelly, I just have to label and get them put away.

This is one of two lemon trees that I started from seed this past winter. The other one is twice as tall, but only has one branch so far. It looks a bit strange.

And this is my prize from thirty-one. At first I thought it might be big enough for my phone and with the belt clip would be perfect. Well it is just a touch too small. I need some ideas on what to use it for.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Saturday Roundup


This week has passed by in a flash. I think it is because I have been busy dehydrating, making mint jelly, and getting those bucket pickles made. No pictures, but I promise to take some tomorrow.

Also our fridge is starting to act up and so most of the week has been spent researching and shopping for a new one. Decision was made today and we purchased a new one that will hopefully be delivered on the 21st of this month. 

This means eating down the food in the fridge right now and trying not to over buy over the next few weeks. Something that I could find difficult since garden produce is coming in hot and heavy.

Mornings have been spent working on harvesting and processing as well as the usual household chores. Afternoons are spent working on projects. I have almost gotten another row of grid done on the t-shirt rug. I thought Harvey would hate it as it is pretty wild, but he seems to really like it. Mind you he does seem to like to ask me if it isn't too much work.

Nights are spent either getting a blog post up and then knitting or just resting and knitting. 

I bought some grocery totes from Thirty-0ne because a good friend was having a party and these totes really interested me. Well this week I found I won a prize.... Picture to come tomorrow and I will be asking for ideas on how to use this.

Off to get knitting.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Frugal Friday

Time for my Frugal Frugal Five for this week. At least I hope for 5 frugal things I managed to get done this week. By the way blogger isn't letting me left align and is doing very weird things. Please bear with me and hopefully things will correct very soon. Trying justify and that seems to be working.

1.  Picked and processed more herbs from the garden.

2. Only spent cash one time this week and stuck to my grocery list.

3. Had the windows open one night this week. Was not cool enough to do this any other night. So saved a bit on air conditioning costs.

4.  We need a new fridge as a few things are going wrong with our old one so have been researching and comparing prices.

5.  Changed our menu tonight to use up a few things. Instead of lazy perogy casserole, I made a shrimp pasta salad. That used up one cuke, some of the tomatoes, and a can of shrimp I found at the back of the pantry shelf that needed to be used.

6.  Still walking for my daily dose of exercise in the early morning and then taking a shorter walk in the evening after supper.

My friends Dad is now in Palliative Care. She had to sign a DNR yesterday morning. Things are not looking very good at all. She is trying to get him sent back here for whatever time is left. I hope to know more in the next few days.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Ah, Midweek and Still Darn Warm

 I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but it is getting dark earlier. This is a photo at around 9:30 a couple of nights ago.

It also shows the fireworks that were happening for some odd reason south of the city. Here is another one or two from that night.

Bit blurry as are the remaining ones. I really need to learn how to take photos or get a better camera.

I tried my hand at arranging flowers, and while not perfect, really isn't bad for a first try. Harvey loved it.

I think he was just trying to make me feel good about it.

Garden harvesting was happening as well.

Cucumbers and peppers getting ready for a bath.

Line up of small tomatoes on the window sill. 

Hopefully I will get more cukes ready to be picked so I can make those pickles in a bucket by the end of the week.

Tomorrow is shopping and there are a few things I need to pick up to make the mint jelly. I was asked what I do with the jelly and mostly I use it on ham, and pork as a condiment. My boys love mint jelly on ham. Gives it a bit of sweetness and I don't have to use a brown sugar glaze.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Thrifty Tuesday


Most of my thrifty ways were spent using things up in the fridge. Cleaned out a few containers, and used food from the garden. Pretty much everything but the beans are growing.

Checked my canning and found I need to make more mint jelly so that is on the list for this week as well as dehydrating herbs.

Lots of relish and pickles left, except for pickles in a bucket so I will be making some of those as well. Possibly towards the end of the week.

Since I don't need relish most of the tomatoes will go towards making salsa. We love us some salsa and chips (planning on trying to make my own chips from corn tortillas).

I fixed a couple of seams on some of Harvey's shorts to extend their life and darned two pairs of socks.

Working on using up those t-shirt strips making the rug. In doing so today I found I was a bit short on the purple strips so I picked some strips that had purple in them (mostly black though) and used them. Only got 2 squares of the grid completed, but hopefully tomorrow will get at least 3 possibly almost 4 done.

I have a list of books (free of course) to download on my ereader. Getting ready for our trip in September.

So there are my thrifty moves for the last week.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Menu Monday


A new weekly menu and one where I try to clean out the fridge as much as is humanly possible.


Stir fry using up the green pepper, onion, and celery from the fridge (with the addition of some cauliflower and broccoli along with a can of mushrooms from the pantry).  Also using up the last bag of frozen cooked beef from the freezer. Served over rice.


Leftover ham made into a casserole. Probably the potato/ham one that Harvey likes so much. I have some cucumbers so will probably make a cucumber salad.


Supper will be all the bits and bobs on the shelves of the fridge.


Chicken strips, homemade fries and whatever salad I make (could be a kale salad, or a cauliflower/broccoli salad).


Glace and eggs.


Smoked sausage done on the BBQ along with tinfoil veggie packages. Remains of the salad from Thursday.


Roast pork, roasted potatoes, roasted carrots and probably another cucumber salad.

I am hoping this cleans out the fridge a little bit.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sunday Ramblings

 Just another week getting things either started or completed. 

I was asked why we will catch and release the bunny, fact is they seem to enjoy eating things in the garden, and the bigger they get the more they manage to eat. So just like the one last year, once it gets to the size where he/she is able to survive in the wild we will move him/her out of the city. 

Now on to my goals for the month of July.

1.  Finish quilt top.  Done
2.  Make those cards I planned on doing last month. Not even thought about

3.  Work on the cross stitch.  Done but lots more to go.

4.  Get that rag/t-shirt rug started at least.  Started

5.  Knit 2 more Secret Santa Scarves if not more.  Actually knit three scarves and started a fourth.

6.  If I finish all those start to sandwich the two quilt tops I will have to move onto the next steps. Not done.

Some of these were not completed as I did some little projects instead.

I made new cushion covers for three of the pillows in the living room. I also cut up the jeans that our oldest Kurt brought home. So a bit of a carry over will happen again this month.

On to Augusts monthly goals.

1.  Work on cross stitch.

2.  Make those darn cards I keep putting off.

3.  Work on t-shirt rug.

4.  Sandwich and quilt one top (perhaps even get some binding on it as well).

5.  Cut the denim from those jeans that Kurt brought home into 4" squares.

6.  Knit two scarves. 

7.  Work on processing the garden produce.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 
God bless.