Thursday, December 15, 2022

Finally After Over Two Years


Well, after being so careful and probably very lucky, Harvey and I both tested positive for Covid yesterday.

I did not feel in the least unwell, but Harvey was extremely tired and had a sore throat. Yours truly as a joke really said, "Let's test for Covid." So we did.

I was very surprised that the tests came out positive. So we are taking it very easy. Harvey switched his doctor's appointment to next week and the snow removal is going very slowly so he does not wear himself out.

Today I am tired, and have a bit of a headache. I will take another dose of Tylenol and drink lots of water. 

It is at times like this I am very glad that I menu plan and have a good stock of food in the house. We may run out of milk before I can go shopping, but we have iced tea, lemonade, orange juice, coffee and tea to use. 

Off to go to bed. Hopefully I will be able to visit you all tomorrow morning. Mornings seem to be my best times, by the afternoon all I want to do is sleep.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Sorry to hear this. Look after yourselves.

  2. Sorry to hear you've tested positive. Hopefully, you should be clear again before Christmas. I hope you don't feel too unwell. Rest up and take it easy.

  3. Hope it stays mild and you get over it quickly.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this! You've been so careful too so wonder where you got it. Stay warm and safe and take care of yourselves.

  5. I'm sorry to hear that you're both ill. The fatigue is the worst part. Get as much rest as you can. I hope you both heal fast.

  6. In winter, it's always wise to have a good stock of food in the house because of the cold, rainy weather and the flu or covid.
    Feel better soon!

  7. Oh no, I'm sorry this happened. I do hope you both recover quickly and with no long lasting affects.
    Rest and take care!

  8. So sorry to hear you both are ill. Don't push too hard and recover quickly I hope.

  9. When you mentioned your husband being sick I kind of figured. Our whole family got it over the summer every other week. Hope yours is mild like all of us. Just a matter of time before everyone gets it.

  10. I'm so sorry for you both. No wonder your hubby has been feeling unwell lately. Take care, and I'm sure someone can drop some milk off to you for a few days, and anything else required.

  11. I am sorry to read this Jackie but pleased it doesn't appear to be affecting you too badly. We got by over two years without it too & then both caught it at the same time - it knocked us flat. Keep up your fluids & rest lots. Take care xx

  12. Rest up & take care of yourself! Hope you get a relatively easy round of it.

  13. Along with everyone else, I'm sorry to hear you are not well. How that is short lived and you are both back in the land of the'living skies'. 😊

  14. I'm so very sorry to hear that you are both sick. As someone else just said, it's only a matter of time before we all get Covid. Here in the UK we now have Strep A to contend with as well. It's doing the rounds at our local schools.
    I do hope you both feel better very soon x

  15. Jackie, I hope you and Harvey will both be back to good health very soon. Sooner or later, we will all have had Covid! Here is a tip for you that I gleaned off of some other frugal site long ago. I do it, just to be sure we always have milk in the house. If you mix up a batch of powdered nonfat milk and add then add a can of whole evaporated milk (no more water, though), it tastes like regular milk, especially after chilled. I regularly use powdered milk for cooking (and my Weight Watcher hubby also likes it on his cereal), and I keep cans of evaporated milk to put in coffee and tea, so we literally have something to fall back on if we are low on jugs of milk. It was a lifesaver during the first couple months of Covid lockdown! A blessed Christmas season to your family! Mary
