Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Tuesday Tidbits


After approximately 2 1/2 hours of pinning, the quilt is now sandwiched. There are a few wrinkles on the backside, but at this point I really am not too worried about that. I am sure that as I quilt, I can get rid of the vast majority. 

This did mean that I didn't get to work on the rug as of yet. I am hopeful of getting at least the stripe I started last night finished before I go to bed. 

Baking is going to be a challenge this year. Using the toaster oven means things have to be baked slightly longer, and I can't get as much in so smaller batches are being made. I did the Butter Tarts mid-morning, and it probably took me double the amount of time it usually does, and I only made 2 1/2 dozen not my regular 5 or 6 dozen. Still, it can be done, and I will work on other things between putting unbaked goods in and pulling the baked goods out. I will just have to plan things out a bit. Tomorrow I will make my shortbread cookies, and a square that does not require baking.

Not the nicest weather here as my body started to warn me about yesterday (I ached all over before I went to bed). We are in the midst of a polar vortex right now, so the entire province is under an extreme cold warning. Tonight, the temperatures with the windchill factored in will range from -42C to -52C depending on what part of the province you live in. Definitely not a time to be out and about. I, like probably most of the province will be keeping our fingers crossed that the power stays on. 

Off to get the final tasks for today completed (vacuuming and hanging the candy canes on the tree downstairs). I will then put together the casserole and make the salad. Should be time left to come back and visit all of you.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.


  1. Good heavens, I do wonder if you ever sleep. You certainly keep busy and productive.
    I can't imagine baking in my toaster oven. You definitely have more patience than I do. Have a good evening.

  2. That is alot of pinning on the quilt Jackie - these things always seem to take so long. I am sure you will be able to smooth anything out as you quilt it. Keep warm Jackie. xx

  3. Brrr! My brother in Alberta is also experiencing similar temps. 😳

  4. Oh my goodness - I wouldn't want to be you and having to live through those massively cold temps! Praying your power stays on.

  5. Oh dear, a polar vortex, and those terribly low temperatures! Do keep warm inside.

  6. You did a lot Jackie. Do you freeze any of your cookies? I used to do lots of baking during winter, then froze some for the warm summer months when I don't use the oven. Brrr, that is cold! Stay warm. I hope you don't lose power.
