Saturday, June 1, 2024

Monthly Goal Update


First off what did I manage to get completed in May.

1.  Work on cross stitch angel. Nothing done on this just too rainy and dismal. 

2. Copy 14 recipes from those we have tried and loved. Done

3.  Finish binding on baby quilt. Done

4.  Sew sun dress. Done

5.  Cut out purses (can't find anything I really like so will try to make a couple of my own). Done

6.  Plant perennial bulbs. Done

7.  Hem and hang curtains. Actually pretty much done. Done

8.  Make another quilt flimsy. Done

9.  Cut and sew infinity scarves for silent auction.10. Sew purses. Done

11.  Wash winter coats. Done

12.  Plant outside flowers, herbs and veggies. Done

13.  Try and use appliances for cooking much more than I do. Done

Not too bad. I even managed to knit another tank top for the summer.

Here are a few photos of what was completed.

This month there will be fewer projects on my list.

1.  Set up the loom.

2.  Warp the loom.

3.  Start an easy weaving project (probably a scarf or some placemats).

4.  Knit 25 pairs of mittens.

5.  Weed the perennial bed at least twice.

6.  Water outside plants.

7.  Get the fertilizer spikes into the lemon tree pots.

8. Cross stitch on the angel.

Wish me luck as I am not too sure about the weaving portion of these projects. We are going to start (notice I say start) putting the loom together tomorrow. Hopefully all goes well and we can get it all together in one day. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. What fantastic achievements. The loom sounds interesting - I'm looking forward to reading all about it. xx

  2. Wow you completed a lot, and plans already for another month. I've done a fair bit of gardening, which takes me for ever!

  3. Wow, you did really good on meeting your Masy goals, Jackie. I love the knitted top, purse and quilt. Best of luck reaching your goals for June too. :)

  4. Wow, that's an amazing amount of projects to finish in one month. Good luck with the loom.

  5. You did great. I love the purse!! I bet you will complete all of June goals, unless you get sucked in by the loom!! LOL

  6. Another very productive month with some great makes
