Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thursday Tid Bits

Well, the Tridium has begun. I love this time I  the church. I don't however like the smell of the incense, it usually makes me cough. This time however it did not seem to be as strong.

We got a phone call from Kurt a couple of nights ago. It seems that he was trying out a new exercise and heard something rip in his arm. He was in great pain to begin with and headed to the hospital in his small center. After waiting a few hours he was looked at by the on call physician and told they figured it was only a minor tear of the tendon. He wasn't so sure a of that and so headed in to Calgary when he found a sub to teach his classes a day later.

Turns out that the tear could be worse than the home physician thought. He will be having an ultra sound on the arm next Thursday. If it is as bad as this second doctor thinks he will have to undergo surgery and have 4 to 6 months of healing and physiotherapy to look forward to.

Poor guy. It isn't fun having a cast on your arm during the hot summer.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

PS I did this post on my tablet and now have come back in and seen all the mistakes. Darn automatic spell check. Hopefully corrected and now everything makes sense.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Jackie -
    I hope it turns out that the SECOND guy was wrong! Keeping him and you in my prayers!
