Wednesday, December 20, 2017

I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas

It has been pretty brown and dirty around here for the past few weeks. Yes we have gotten some snow, but as fast as it disappears a couple of days later.

Today however we have a different story. Temperatures dropped, it stayed cloudy and the snow started. This storm (yep it was a storm, not a blizzard as the winds were fairly low) lasted 12 hours, and our world is a lovely white.

While we didn't get the total amount that was predicted, I am happy that we got what we did. 

Christmas, just isn't Christmas here on the Canadian Prairies without that lovely covering of white.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. It always looks lovely but I really detest the stuff.

  2. It does look beautiful, but can cause disruption for so many.

  3. Hi, is so so pretty but I don't love snow. If I can stay inside by the fire, it's ok but when I have to drive in it, I don't like it....and when it all starts melting....ugggg! Ha...just call me BAH HUMBUG...XOXO
