Monday, August 20, 2018

Menu Monday

After our fast food fest at the football game yesterday, I am not feeling up to having more. So I ended up changing the menu for tonight from hamburgers. No biggie I just moved a meal from later on to today.


Chicken legs with back on, laying on a bed of rice. Served with green beans and cucumbers from the garden.


Those hamburgers will be served tonight along with cut up veggies from the garden and dip.


Soup and sandwiches. I am just not sure what kind of soup I will make. Perhaps some more chicken noodle so I can add the leftover soup from last week. Grilled cheese sandwiches.


Chili and toast.


Salmon patties unless Kris is home and then I will do pancakes.


Sausage casserole. This will use up some potatoes, frozen carrots and some frozen peas. As well as an onion or two.


One of the leftover bags of roasted ham, scalloped potatoes, and raw veggies and dip.

Pretty easy menus as I work on getting the garden harvested and processed.

Everybody have a great day. Take care.

1 comment:

  1. You are enjoying the garden bounty. I have a spaghetti squash, tomatoes and a zucchini on the cupboard to use. This will be the last day for beans; I will pull the pea vines and beans from the garden today. I finally cooked the turkey. So far, I've made turkey pot pie, turkey/noodle casserole, soup, stir fry, turkey salad for sandwiches. These meals will be shared with my aged mom and my son who works 12 hr days before/after the commute.
