Saturday, August 4, 2018

Saturday Roundup

This week has been a fairly busy one. The garden is starting to produce and it seems like there is always something needed to be picked, then frozen or processed.

Harvey has decided that we are always going to be planting pole beans. No kneeling or bending over, or at least the bending over is at a minimum. So far we have been out every three or so days picking at least enough beans to give us a side dish for two meals (by this I mean 2 meals for each of us). While we aren't freezing any as of yet, if the flowers are anything to go by freezing will be taking place shortly.

We dug up two potato plants and managed to get three meals for both of us from the plants. Harvey hopes that the other plants are a bit more prolific.

What has been really prolific is the cucumbers. Today I picked 12 and some were very large. I managed to use up a few of those previously picked in my Pickles in a Bucket, and some were made into spears and eaten with our supper (the remainder of the spears are in the fridge to munch on).

Peppers were sliced up to be munched on and three were cut into strips and frozen.

Blueberries were frozen this week.

Dehydrating happened pretty much every day.

Bread was baked twice, and tonight I took some muffins out of the downstairs freezer to be used for breakfasts and perhaps a mid afternoon snack or two.

The remainder of the Christmas gift list has been planned, and yarn picked out for those projects. They need to be done first as the finished gifts need to be sent away.

I have read my book (my heavens the Game of Thrones series is taking a very long time to read), and I have sat down with pen and paper and listed items that need using up first from the pantry and freezers.

Budget was inputted and from a previous post most know while I was sort of contented with the result I am hoping for better results this month. However if the first grocery shop was any indication this could be a bit of a flop. Buying Canadian does add to the bottom line.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having a great harvest this year. Good for you.
