Friday, December 20, 2019

Frugal Friday

This has not been the most frugal of weeks. The lead up to Christmas rarely is and there is still a little shopping yet to go.

I did manage a few frugal items this week though.

1.  Got a free chocolate bar when grocery shopping. I only saved $25.00 or so this time around.

2.  Keeping the fridge reasonably clean of leftovers. They are used within two days either for another meal or for lunches.

3.  Reading library books for entertainment and watching Netflix while knitting.

4.  Taking an excursion to see the Holiday Train for the cost of a few cans and boxes from the pantry for the Food Bank.

5.  Getting outside on those days that are gorgeous even if my walk is only to the mailbox 3 blocks away.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.


  1. This time of the year can be very expensive so any frugal opportunities are good.

  2. Free chocolate and $25 savings that's brilliant this time of year.
