Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Wow, A New Year

Wow, this year crept up on us all via wings. Is it my imagination or do the years go by quickly as we age?

I was in bed sound asleep when the new year rolled around. I just can't seem to stay up until that time of the morning. No fireworks to wake me up, no Harvey to come in and tell me to wake up (it seems he fell asleep as well), no parties around us, just a nice quiet night which as we age we appreciate more and more.

This year I actually made a few resolutions. I am going to try for monthly ones and hope that by the end of the month they are so ingrained that those resolutions have become a habit.

Most of the resolutions I plan on making are self improvement ones. I have kind of stopped looking after my needs to look after others.

This month they are pretty simple.

1.  Keep on walking and add steps every week (or day considering what this Vivofit does).

2.  Drink more water. I don't like water, but I have noticed a bit of dehydration going on. I am starting small with just 3 extra small glasses a day and hopefully will work my way up to larger glasses and if not at least more of the smaller glasses each day.

3.  Start a facial routine. I have the bad habit of starting one for a couple of days and then switching back to splashing water in my face and giving it a rub.

Really just three very simple resolutions. By the end of the month they should be a habit and I will hopefully be doing them without conscious thought.

Remember this bag of yarn.
Well, today I started another temperature blanket. I can already see a difference in the beginning of the month. I wonder how different it will be when I have completed it.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog, and leaving a comment!

    What a gorgeous Header photo you have!

    Walking... This is something we could do. But in deep winter, it doesn't make too much sense, for us. Being older, it's not wise. Come better weather, though.....

    But even without the walking, I hope to pay closer attention to what I eat. For healthy weight loss.

    A Temperature blanket. Don't know what that is.

    Oh and drinking more water, a good plan. Myself, I drink water all day long. But my husband does not, not, not like water. -smile- Keep at it, you just may get to want it.

    Best of luck with your month of good things.

    Gentle hugs...

    A very Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year Wish to you.


  2. Small steps in the right direction, eventually become big changes. Good luck.

  3. I am making an effort to drink more water too. Happy New Year.

  4. Great resolutions! I only drink that is very cold (which isn't apparently correct) and I do tire of plain water. Adding in a bit of cucumber or lemon seems to make it more drinkable.

    Have a great day!

  5. Happy New Year to you Jackie, I am hoping to catch up with all your frugal ideas, and hoping they will rub off on me!!

  6. Sorry to be a little ignorant but what is a Temperature Blanket?

    1. A temperature blanket is something knit or crocheted that uses the temperature of where you live. In mine I used a 5 degree change and changed the colours as the temperature changed.

      I didn't know what they were either until I looked it up.

      God bless.

  7. Happy New Year Jackie, good luck with your resolutions.
