Friday, January 14, 2022

Frugal Friday

 We got a little bit of snow overnight, but nothing like what was being forecast, so I did manage to get out for a little bit of a walk. 

On to frugal happenings on the old homestead.

1.  Using up partial spools of thread to hand quilt. Going to be a bit funky, but that is quite alright by me. 

2.  Hung three loads of washing downstairs on the lines again this week. Takes a bit longer to dry, but that is okay, I really have nothing else to do.

3.  Organizing my cupboards and small pantry in the kitchen. Found lots of items nearing their use by dates so all of that is pulled forward. I did find a few things that were so far past their use by date that I had to toss them. I am a bit upset with myself over that.

4.  Made my shopping list and combined other errands while doing the shopping.

5. Taking as many walks outside as I can sometimes even up to three. One is of course longer but the other two are usually at least 4 blocks. Getting those steps in once again.

6. Harvey has started some white wine and a dessert wine this week. While the kits cost a fair bit to start with the finished product is usually about 1/4 of the cost of buying one in the store.

7.  Still using up, wearing out, and making do. 

I got my letter with the results from the mammogram today and all is normal. One thing off my mind.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. So happy that you got good results, that is always a worry.

  2. Having lived overseas for a good number of years, we would find items from home that had passed their use by date and bought them anyway. They were a taste of home.

    Always good to hear that a medical test has come out normal!

  3. That is good news on your mammogram, Jackie.

    I found myself coming up with things to do today. I can usually find something to keep myself busy and pass the time away. We have been hanging some of our clothes up to dry too.

  4. So pleased to hear the letter held good news.

    Love the idea of using up the partial spools for hand quilting.

  5. So glad your results are good, such a relief.

  6. Glad your results were good.

    We didn't have nearly the snow here in the city as we did out at my daughter's. I'm still tired of shovelling snow though. :)

  7. So happy you got good results Jackie! I'm amazed at how much you walk outside. Anything below freezing is too cold for me, but you've inspired me to just get out and walk.

  8. happy to hear you had good results from the mammo! We hang our washing to dry all the time and in our small apartment it also works to humidify the air. Sort of a win/win!

  9. Glad to hear that your mammogram results were good. Keep up the good work.
