Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thursday Tidbits


It warmed up quite a bit today, but this nicer weather is not going to last. Tomorrow we are to have snow and blowing snow and then the weekend it will be continuous snow according to those that are supposed to know. 

We were supposed to take Harvey's truck in tomorrow morning at 8 am. Well Harvey decided that it might be best to take it in tonight so we won't have to worry about getting up in the morning. I quite agree and was more than happy to set aside my rug project to go and pick him up at the dealership. Now I can sleep in if that is what I feel like (not that that will happen).

I did manage to get the 200 strips of knit fabric done today and hopefully another 200 done tomorrow. I will end up cutting more strips at some point so as to get more sections done before I put this project for the week.

Harvey has started a new puzzle and seems to be moving along on that. Keeps his mind busy and him out of my hair so I can continue to organize and tidy the house. 

Omicron is taking over the province. My little corner has way too many cases, mind you this area is big for anti-whatever's. What I would like to say or do to these people (some of which are in our extended family...mostly on Harvey's side) isn't really very nice. I have read posts from some of them saying the vaxxed are going to die within 5 years (it used to be a year, but in many cases that has been proved wrong), almost like they are hoping we die for following what our governments have told us to do. I almost, but not quite hope they come down with a darn good case since most of us will get Omicron sooner or later. Not nice of me, but right now I do not feel in the least like giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Finished my rant, and off to do a bit more setting of the table and then visiting all of you.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Your comments about those who refuse to be a contributing member of society (in many ways) echo my own. More needs to be done to ensure that entire world gets their vaccines. In the meantime, our health care suffers because of the selfishness of those who refuse to listen to science. AND they keep moving the darned goal posts. My rant is now over too. :)

    It was still miserably cold this morning when I went out to feed the birds. I haven't been out since but it is much improved, but of course, now we have a blowing snow advisory. I'll take it over the cold as I dont' have to be on the highway.

    Stay warm and safe!

  2. Well, I haven't heard that one yet, but I will take the 5 years thank you very much. I mean really people? I didn't realize I had an expiration date....:)

  3. I've heard that line about 'Everyone who gets vaccinated will die in 3 months/6 months/5 years," etc. It's all a bunch of nonsense (my husband is a molecular biologist who works for a major research university. It's all science here, all the time, and I've sat through so. many. science. lectures, haha). There are no long-term side effects to this vaccine, like these nutbags like to speculate. The components of the vaccine are out of your body in about 2-3 days, because our bodies are awesome and efficient like that, and by that time, the body is hard at work learning to recognize the pathogen so it can better fight it off. The technology that scientists used to make this vaccine is actually really cool! I'm VERY much with you, in that I have very little nice to say to the people who think their sad, smug misunderstanding of science is equal to people who have dedicated their lives to this field and who pass along misinformation that harms people greatly. It's incredible, though, how very many people I've seen who either end up hospitalized with COVID or who lose a loved one to it and STILL go on believing the vaccine is somehow worse. What could possibly be worse than permanently shredding your lungs or losing your spouse or child??? I absolutely don't understand these people, and I'd feel bad for them if they weren't doing things that actively harm themselves and others!

    Hang in there!!! Eventually this will be over, someday, and we'll still be here, because we're smart and careful and thoughtful and all those good things. :)

  4. I can understand your anger and frustration at those annoying people, Jackie, it was on our local news on TV that one of our big local hospitals has a covid ward which is full to bursting. Every single patient is an un-vaccinated patient the youngest of whom is 31 yrs old. One of them was not expected to last the night. How sad and frustrating is that.

  5. Oh my word - we all have a 5 year life expectancy now? What will they think up next!!! The stupidity of some people exceeds even my expectation of them.
    Been really cold here too - yesterday morning it was -35C when I woke up and this morning it was a balmy -19. Stay warm!

  6. I have had that said. My reply was, ‘well if we all die, do you really want to be left in a collapsed world where only 20% are alive’.
