Thursday, December 22, 2022

Short Break

 I am taking a couple of days off from blogging so I can get my preparations completed for Kurt's and Kris's arrival. So much to do, mostly outside as we got more snow, but a little bit inside as well. Being ill has really put me behind on the festive side of the equation.

Probably back on Saturday.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Be well, Jackie. Don't run yourself down though, stay warm.

  2. Take all the time you need Jackie. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family!!

  3. Merry Christmas Jackie! Have a wonderful time with your family.

  4. Stay warm and don't over do it! I'm behind because things keep breaking in our house. Today a toilet leak has to be fixed and they will also start fixing the hole left in the wall from the shower repair. Then I will clean before our family arrives or put them to work when they get here lol.

  5. Don't over due it Jackie, have a wonderful time with your family, Merry Christmas.

  6. I am happy that overall it seems you both had a mild case and are recovering in the usual manner. Yes, that is when you having a well stocked cupboard really comes in handy. Also now when we are in the middle of foul weather here in Ontario. Boy it got cold for you fast this year it seems. So thankful for our warm houses and full bellies. Thanks as always for sharing your to get ideas. I seem to be losing interest in the meal getting.

  7. Hope you feel better, and enjoy the time with your family!!
