Friday, April 14, 2023

Frugal Friday


I just can't believe it is Friday so soon. I think that not being able to do all that I wanted to do is causing havoc with my inner time clock. This resting between tasks is causing me to loose track of the passage of time.

I did do a few frugal things this week though.

1.  Put $70.00 into my savings envelope from my biweekly spending cash.

2.  Added $1.45 to my change jars. That is the lowest in a very long time. 

3.  Combined errands in order to save time, fuel and cash.

4.  Using up leftovers in other meals. I have been tiring out by the time supper rolls around and have been moving menus in order to conserve my energy. Most leftovers are being used as is for either lunches or suppers. 

5.  Sticking to my grocery list, purchasing on sale items and working them into future menus. 

6.  Tomorrow I am hoping to do some batch cooking. I will make turkey tetrazzini for our supper and another to freeze, hoping to make a batch of pea soup, and lentil curry. Those last two will be added to the freezer for meals when I just want a break. 

So that is all my foggy brain can think of tonight. Off to use up the leftovers from Easter to make our meal tonight.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Rest when you need to, your body needs to recuperate. Well done on the savings.

  2. As the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day. At this point, needing to rest between tasks isn't a bad thing. Things will get done, just a little less quickly. Take care!

  3. Please continue to get lots of rest because you need it to recover fully.

  4. Batch cooking will be great to have on hand for when you don’t have the energy to cook that evening. Sending you continued healing thoughts.

  5. Still doing well on the frugal front despite not being well. Very inspiring Jackie. Hope you are feeling back to normal soon.
