Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits


Really not much happening here when both of us have been ill. It has been a very frugal and thrifty week all told.

Slowly but surely I am getting over this silly plague, Harvey is already over it, or is at least over the 5 day staying away from people. I should be able to go out shopping (masked of course) tomorrow as that will be my 5 days. I still tire out quickly, but am resting between tasks and that seems to help.

I have learned my lesson, however. I will no longer take for granted that those who surround me are virus free and will start wearing my mask again even if I just run in to purchase one item early in the morning. 

Lovely weather here today and I have the windows open to let in the smells of spring. In actual fact the temperature could almost be considered early summer. It won't last and we have a snow/rain forecast for later in the week. I so wish that I could have been out enjoying this lovely weather. Harvey said there are people out walking around in shorts. I would just love to be able to walk and get the mail and not worry about having the energy to get home.

Still each day gets a bit better, and I am sure that I will manage to overcome this tiredness and enjoy springs arrival. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I'm so sorry you are feeling rough. I've not been wearing a mask for a few weeks, but I remain careful around other people. So far, I've been lucky.
    The weather was lovely today, I didn't get out much either as the house cleaning was calling my name. I did have the sun room door open and the furnace didn't kick from mid-morning. It's just about 7 p.m. and it's still warm in the sun room and in the house. The basement on the other hand is quite chilly!
    Take care, and I hope you're over it quickly.

  2. I'm so sad you have both been sick through the spring weather. It may not last for long but it will return. In the meantime, get your strength back. Hugs.

  3. The weather sounds lovely, especially after all the snow you have had.
    I'm glad you're starting to feel better and hope that continues speedily! Take care. xx

  4. I'm sorry you've been so poorly with it, especially when it's good weather. Please don't do too much, you need to rest and get your energy levels up.

  5. Glad you are starting to feel a bit better and that Harvey has just about recovered.

  6. Good idea to keep wearing the mask! I still wear it when I go shopping or when I have to meet people.
