Friday, April 21, 2023

Frugal Friday


The usual frugal practices are continuing on the old homestead. A couple of different things happened this week, mostly because of the snow storm and the water being turned off for a bit.

1.  I did the washing on Sunday and it was so nice to have everything dried and put away by Monday morning. 

2.  Our water was turned off for a bit on Monday, now that isn't really a hardship, but I had to get drinking water saved. Mainly because the city needs to send the water off to be tested after they flush the lines. So I am washing dishes by hand and using some bleach in the rinse water.... Means no electric usage for the dishwasher and I know I am using less water to wash those dishes. 

3.  Harvey hasn't gone for his usual one day a week drive. Roads are terrible still (things are melting though) and he is not inclined to want to slip of the road and into a ditch.

4.  Still using up yarn and getting very close to having the 25 mitts done for this month. I will take some time off next month and get other projects worked on. 

5.  Made my list for grocery shopping early next week and while not much is on sale, I will be stocking up on what is on sale.

6.  Using up all leftovers once again this week. Sometimes it means changing menu plans but so far this week that hasn't happened.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Twenty five pairs of mitts is absolutely amazing!! xx

  2. Yes, 25 mitts is amazing! Glad you made it thru without water. Sounds like you’ve had some rough weather. I hope it is all smooth sailing from here on out.

  3. This is Belinda, btw. Sounds like you’ve had some rough weather! I hope it is smooth sailing from here on out. 25 mitts IS amazing!

  4. We never quite know when our water in the building will be suddenly shut off so we've learned to keep a full big plastic jug in the closet just in case.
    Can't imagine being able to knit 25 pairs of mittens in such a short time! You are amazing.

  5. You are amazing with your knitting! All those warm hands will be so grateful. I'm starting to restock our emergency water supplies in our new house. Power outages, earthquakes and who knows what can disrupt essential services we take for granted.

  6. Hopefully this is the last snow of the year! I'm happy to stay home, but my son had to go into work, and said the roads were horrid. I was out today and the city streets are clear, some puddles with the melting. Hope your snow disappears quickly.

  7. Always impressed by your frugal ways. I thought I had done well this week until I dropped into Metro and bought salmon and lamb chops - doubled the cost of my usual shopping list in one go!

  8. Congrats on 25 pair of mitts! Wow! Hopefully the snow is done for this spring.
