Monday, April 10, 2023

Menu Monday


First off, this morning I tested positive for Covid. Not a happy person at all. I suppose it was to be expected since Harvey tested positive last Wednesday. 

This meant I needed to cancel my dental appointment for tomorrow. I had to leave a message as they are having an extra long weekend. Sure hope they check messages first thing in the morning. 

This also means that since my energy levels disappear fairly early (or at times are non-existent) my menu needed a few changes. I have lots of leftovers and ready made meals, to see us through the first little while. Once feeling up to par, I will try and get some extra meals into the freezer for the next illness that hits. 

Here are my menus for this week.


Leftover meatloaf and salad. I just don't have the energy to make mashed potatoes.


Cabbage bread, raw veggies and dip. 


Leftover turkey made into a casserole or perhaps just warmed up and more or less have our Easter supper once again. Leftovers will be used a bit later in the week.


I will make a casserole from last nights leftovers. What is left from that will be frozen.


Tuna casserole, mashed rutabaga and whatever other veggie that needs using.


Smoked sausages, pasta, and baked beans.


Leftover roast beef made into a casserole. I think I will freeze whatever is left for another meal later.

After a bit of a rest I hope to visit with all of you.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear you've tested positive. I do hope it is a mild case and you are feeling back to yourself soon.
    Take care!
    P.S. I suspect Harvey could manage to cobble together a meal if he had to.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your covid Jackie. I hope both you & Harvey get well soon.

  3. So sorry you caught it and hope you feel better soon

  4. I am sorry to read this Jackie & I hope you are soon feeling much improved. Covid seems to be especially bad in my area lately too. Take care xx

  5. Hope it's not too bad for you, and it passes quickly.

  6. I'm sorry you've got Covid, I hope it's shortlived and doesn't make you feel too unwell.

  7. Aww Jackie, sorry you've got Covid; fingers crossed it will be short lived and mild. Love to read your Monday Menu so thanks for getting it posted. Take care now.

  8. I'm so sorry that you tested positive as well, but it doesn't come as a surprise I guess. Now you just have to remind yourself to take it easy until you're fully recovered.

  9. That's such a shame, but was inevitable I guess. Take care of yourselves and rest up, I do hope you both are not too severely affected.

  10. What's cabbage bread? I always have trouble using a whole cabbage so am always looking for new ways to use it up. Hope you are on the mend very soon!
