Monday, October 21, 2019

Menu Monday

First off I would like to say thank you for all the responses for my last posting. I talked to my old spiritual advisor and she said much the same as all of you. With her help I hope to get back to my old faithful self. I will not be posting the replies, instead I will keep them to read and ponder. Special thanks to Mary who emailed me. Your words were very much appreciated.

For the next little while I am going to use up all those bits and bobs from the fridge freezer. There is so much in there things keep getting lost.


Leftover sausage casserole.


Leftover ham made into a ham and scalloped potato casserole. Cucumber salad as a side.


Leftover turkey, mashed potatoes, and mixed veggies. I will use up the remains of the cucumber salad as well.


Leftover ham and scalloped potato salad. Tossed salad as a side.


Tuna casserole and leftover salad.


Soup and sandwiches using up some of the bone broth from the freezer.


Leftover roast beef, mashed potatoes, salad and corn.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. You sound to be in a happier place already. God bless.

  2. It's so easy to lose track of all those little bits and bobs isn't it, what a great idea to use as many as you can in one week.

    I'm just catching up on blogs after my holiday, so pleased to hear you have received some good advice here and from your spiritual advisor, hope there is a positive resolution.
