Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Unfinished Projects

Over the last few months, I have noticed a distinct lack of progress on most of my listed goals for the month. This has lead me to make a decision.

This month I am going to play catch up. Which means there will be no new projects for me until I manage to get those many projects left from the last few months done and dusted.

So how am I doing this first week of October?????????

I am almost finished the embroidered tea towels and I have gotten a handle on those two quilts that were supposed to be finished last month (probably be done over the weekend). Then I will move on to sewing those projects I have cut out and stored in project bags. I am hopeful of finishing those by next weekend.

After that I will start on the quickest projects to complete and move on from there. I really hate feeling like I am so far behind that I will never catch up.

Perhaps the only new project/goal will be moving my spring/summer wardrobe out of my closet and drawers to be replace with my fall/winter wardrobe.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. You sound so organised with your plan to get things done, and resisting the temptation of a new project, hope you manage to achieve everything.
