Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sunday Ramblings


After my online attendance at Mass this morning, it was time to get a bit of work done around the house. Nothing really difficult (though one small task turned out to be harder than I thought), I made my list, decluttered the drawers in the kitchen (my goodness those were dusty), decluttered the smaller of my two pantries, and worked on some knitting.

Now what turned out to be harder than I thought was the making of Harvey's cell phone case. I got him to measure his phone a few days ago, made my pattern and made it a bit bigger to take into account the seams. Well, it was still too narrow. So I had to start a new one. Because I was frustrated with my first efforts I have only gotten as far as sewing the denim squares together and enlarging my pattern. I will work on sewing it tomorrow.  Harvey said that perhaps the other can be used for another purpose, which is quite true not going to waste the work that went into making it. Pretty sure it will fit his phone charger and cord.

I was asked about my Sausage Casserole recipe so here it is. Much of it is by look so I would say you could adapt this for any size casserole you choose.

I start off with a layer of thinly sliced potatoes, then add a layer of thinly sliced onion. Sprinkle those with salt and pepper. My next layer is thinly sliced carrots to cover everything, then it is topped with a layer of frozen peas. I place my sausages on top of this in a single layer (for the two of us, one of whom is a major meat eater I usually use 12 sausages). The the whole casserole is covered with a can of tomato soup mixed with 3/4 of a can of water. Put it in the oven at 350*F and bake until potatoes and carrots are tender. This usually makes enough for the two of us to have two meals each, and enough veggies for me to have them for lunch when we have eaten our meals.

Today was our 45th wedding anniversary. I really can't believe we were ever this young. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Oh how I remember those ruffled shirts and the glasses your husband is wearing. We have been married 42 years, thanks for the recipe. I will definitely try it.

  2. Happy Anniversary, wishing you many ore happy years together.

  3. Happy anniversary! That casserole looks tasty

  4. Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on reaching a wonderful milestone.

    Thanks for the recipe for the sausage casserole. It sounds easy and just thing my son (and I) would enjoy.
