Monday, April 8, 2019

Menu Monday

Ahh, another week closer to real spring!! Temperatures are slowly rising, the sun is shining for a bit longer each day and I am itching to get outside more. BBQ will be cleaned and used a great deal (hopefully). 


Spaghetti with meat sauce, plus a nice salad. Hopefully I can make enough to freeze some sauce for a quick warm up down the road and still have leftovers. I better pull double the ground meat out as well as two containers of tomato sauce.


Leftover chicken package from the freezer and since the temperature is supposed to drop a new kind of casserole could be in order.


Baked spaghetti along with raw veggies.


Clean out the baked spaghetti. This time I will make a tossed salad to go along and perhaps some garlic bread.


Baked salmon, homemade fries and coleslaw. 


Soup and sandwiches. I may make a potato soup this time or a cream of celery soup (have loads of celery that need using). Must make sure that there is enough to freeze for another meal down the road.


Our usual roast meal. This time roast chicken with the usual accompanying veggies. 

Everybody have a wonderful day. 

God bless.


  1. I just made a pot of potato soup yesterday & remembered to add some dill. It just ups the flavor. I had some packaged kale salad mix to use up so I sauteed it, added hamburger, sweet potato, rice, tomatoes. It was surprisingly delicious especially in a pita pocket with lettuce and garlic mayo. The week will end with BBQ steak, roasted vegetables, salad (quinoa) as I am expecting a house guest who is "mostly vegetarian". That should get me through the week.

  2. I fancy soup now after reading your menu........I'll pop by your place around 5 pm-ish!!
