Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thursday Tidbits

Busy day as I did all my errands, paid bills online, picked in the garden, sliced lemons to freeze (must drink more water and hopefully this will help).

I worked on sewing the knitted squares together and finished that project!!! I can now move on to the next project and actually see things being marked off on my goals list. Really, I have decided that there is no way I can ever do multiple projects at the same time mainly because nothing really seems to be finished completely by the end of the month.

Tomorrow I will be heading to the sewing room and getting the last part of Kurt and Kris's Christmas gifts done and perhaps some sewing done on those cut out patterns. Once all is done there I will move on to the next tea towels. 

I still will have lots to accomplish on that list but at least I can see it shrinking.

All this fun will be sandwiched in between regular household chores and processing the garden produce. This time of year always seems to be jam packed with things that need to be accomplished before winter sets in.

Last week it was just a few poplars turning colour, this week the Manitoba maples and my pear tree are slowly changing. Fall will be here in no time, and after that the dreaded prairie winter will appear. So winterizing the house will be taking place before we know it.

Harvey has totally patched the holes in the walls where our baseboard heaters had their thermostats, and the rather large hole left behind by the in the wall air conditioner. Now he gets to paint walls, hopefully while we can open windows to keep the smell of paint to a minimum.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I wish Fall was here Geraniums have yellow leaves but I think its because of the heat and nothing to do with Fall arriving...We have had unbearable heat this month so I'm looking forward, more than ever, to Fall...Thanks for being faithful.
    Mama BEar
