Friday, April 19, 2024

Spring Cleaning Brings Aches


As you all know I have been trying to get my spring cleaning done. Still have a few rooms to do, but if I manage one area a day I will be finished in about 4 days. That is if my back and legs do not give out. I am beginning to hate that small step ladder. 

I did the hall today. Washed walls, dusted what I could (one item will have to go out and get sprayed down) and the coat closet decluttered (over the last few days) and all I have left is the linen closet which I actually decluttered a couple of months ago. I will wipe out the shelves and tidy it up later tonight. 

Tomorrow I will work on our bedroom. That could take a bit longer as I really should go through a few places (top and floor of the closets especially). 

One great thing about all this cleaning is I fall into bed and sleep through the night. One bad thing is that my legs are sore from climbing up and down a ladder, and my arms are sore from scrubbing walls. The back, well that always bothers me. 

Between the manic episodes of cleaning, I have been working on projects. I have finished cutting my 4" squares into triangles. I think I have enough for what I have planned. Worked on the hand quilting as well. 

Picked up the pork ribs this morning from the Co-op. I got about 7 1/2 pounds for $18.00. These have now been packaged up and are completely freezing in the fridge freezer. I will take them down to the upright early tomorrow. 

Made the Broccoli Cheese soup for the freezer, and tomorrow I will use those asparagus ends to make asparagus soup. Waste not is happening around here a great deal more than usual. 

Harvey got the summer wine (Niagara Mist) racked over to the carboy from the primary today. I definitely feel like I am in a Winery right now, what with this wine and the Malbec he has going. There is still a white wine to be made as well. 

I have been asked to share my recipe for Japanese soup.... I really don't know what is in it as I purchase it ready made and frozen from an old friend. I do know she follows the recipe her family has used for years. She has done this for me for a number of years and I started purchasing it from her to help them out when her Hubby lost his job. Harvey loves it so I have continued and it gives "A" a bit of her own cash. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.                                       

God bless.


  1. Cleaning, oy, not so fun. That said I love it when it's all done. Sorry to hear you're hurting. Do you ever use ice packs on the sore parts of your legs. Sometimes I use ice on my sore hand.

    We go to our Co-op. I love that place. I also like good deals and less waste. All good stuff.

    Happy Weekend. Cheers, Ivy.

  2. You're so very busy - Spring Fever can be very powerful, can't it? Just be careful of that back of yours. xx

  3. The older I get, the worse the aches get when cleaning or gardening. Reaching and bending can sure get to you. Maybe rest a little over the weekend and getback at it on Monday!

  4. If you get tired of cleaning at your house, I have an empty house that needs more cleaning. I'm about to head out the door to start work there.
    Have a lovely weekend! I do hope you get a break for your back, arms and legs.

  5. Oh, that is a big job to take on, Jackie. It's always so great when you're done though.

  6. Hey, guys. Won't be posting tonight as for some reason Blogger will not let me. Not on my laptop or on my phone. They are saying there was an error loading my data. I will see if I can at least reply on your blogs in a bit.

    God bless.

  7. Japanese soup sounds interesting. It's good that you helped out your friend when they were experiencing hard times.

  8. I guess I'm in the minority because I've never done 'spring cleaning' per se. My mother didn't either so I suppose I learned it from her example. She, instead, always cleaned in January saying that a new year should start out clean and I sort-of follow that mindset.
