Monday, April 29, 2019

Menu Monday

Here it is, the last two days of the month of April. Snow on the ground and things to do around the house. I also have prayer shawl ministry this afternoon, but I have to do some phoning and texting about that... I think we just might be sewing labels onto the prayer shawls today and not knitting.

On to this weeks menus.


Since it looks like winter has come back for a visit and we did not have this on Saturday (we finished up the turkey tetrazzini instead). We will be having mini meatloaves, leftover mashed potatoes and the leftover mixed veggies (those are from last night). Good thing all just needs to be warmed up or reheated as I am out all afternoon, more or less.


Stuffed chicken breasts, noodles, and corn.


Hotdogs, leftover noodles, and baked beans.


Leftover ham made into a casserole. Perhaps raw veggies and dip on the side.


Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.


Clean out the fridge night.


Roast beef, roasted potatoes and carrots. I think another kale salad would be nice here (give me something to munch on for lunches as well).

Everybody have a wonderful day. God bless.


  1. I've been slack with menu planning. I had cooked a pork roast in the slow cooker that took me through last week with sandwiches, salad & a stir fry. This week: potato pickle soup, Mediterranean tuna/noodle casserole. I see there's frozen leftovers in the fridge freezer including enchilada filling from the freezer for pita filling. NE Alberta missed the spring snow storm that affected a lot of the province. It's cool. Spring yard work awaits me.

    1. We did not get that storm to the extent that Alberta did here in the SE corner of Saskatchewan. Did get enough that there is still ice and snow on the ground today though (as well as very low temperatures).

      God bless.
