Monday, February 19, 2024

Menu Monday


Feeling about 80% better today. The tummy isn't twirling anymore, but I am very tired. I am only doing enough to keep the house running smoothly and making darn sure to rest in between the small tasks I am allowing myself to do. Still at some point in the day, I just want to lay down and sleep. Binge watching lots of BritBox over the last couple of days as well. 

I better feel better before Wednesday as I have a dental appointment that morning. 

Anyhow, here are the menus for this upcoming week.


Hamburgers, onion rings and peas (Harvey can't have anything with seeds in it for awhile yet).


Leftover roast beef made into a casserole.


Homemade chicken vegetable soup (should be able to add some corn, and beans at this point. Extra soup will be frozen and used for another meal later on.


Leftovers from Tuesday and I am going to make a salad. 


Battered Fish and chips. We shall have the remains of the salad as well.


Stuffed chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, and mixed veggies.


A bag of leftover ham from the fridge freezer. I hope to feel up to making pasties tonight. Those contain the ham, some potato and some peas, along with lots of curry powder.

Everybody have a wonderful afternoon.

God bless.


  1. You both need to get back to 100% quickly. Nothing says yuck more than an upset belly.
    Meals sound very good. Get well!!!

  2. I'm sorry to hear that you're still unwell Jackie. I'm glad you're taking breaks to rest though. I hope you'll be right as rain soon. Another delicious menu from you. Thank you for mentioning onion rings. I haven't made any in ages. I actually make good onion rings, but I have forgotten what seasoning I used the last

  3. I’m glad you’re feeling better, Jackie rest as much as you can and take good care of yourself.

  4. You don't sound too good Jackie. Take lots of rest and allow yourself time.

  5. I do hope you're feeling 100% soon. Good luck with the dental appointment.

  6. Hello my friend, sorry you have been krank (Swedish for ill).

  7. I'm pleased to read that you are feeling mostly better, you still need to take it easy though, it seems. If you need a nap, go ahead and have one, the body knows what it needs.

  8. I'm glad that you're feeling better but now you just have to remember not to overdo.

  9. Take care, my friend - I'm sorry you're still not 100% right again.
    The menu looks lovely. xx
