Saturday, February 24, 2024

Saturday Roundup


So unbelievable that we are so close to the end of the month of February. Only 5 days left after today. 

Well what projects or goals have I completed so far this past week. Quite proud of myself really, considering how tired and not myself I have been.

This is actually the start of one of next months projects. A lapghan for the family silent auction in July. It is moving along very nicely and I will certainly finish this early next month. That will give me time to start another one.

This is the downloaded embroidery pattern I tried out on my machine (one of my machines I use solely for embroidery).

I needed to see if the downloaded patterns actually worked, and since they do I will be downloading more. Sure the machine came with some simple patterns but it is time for me to expand its capabilities. Looking forward to be doing much more with this machine. Hmm, at some point I may make a bunch of squares using this pattern in different colours forming a small quilt. Only time will tell.

I also managed to finish this sweater (used this pattern a number of times now). It is a deep plum colour and so very soft. I now have to just knit myself a couple of tank tops for summer wear and am trying to find a pattern I really like.

I finished the second of the hand embroidered quilt blocks and once I finish another 10 I will give them all a good pressing and decide what I will use as slashing. 

The flimsy for the hand embroidered baby quilt from many years is completed as well. I was only going to do the cutting of the strips for the slashing this month, but as I had the sewing machine out, I went for it. Next month I hope to get it at least sandwiched at some point.

So that is what I have worked on rather than doing lots of household tasks. Did manage to keep the house fairly tidy though.

I hope that you all had productive weeks as well.

Everybody have a wonderful afternoon.

God bless.


  1. You've definitely had a busy week! I managed to finish the latest landscape this afternoon - just have the hanging sleeve and the label to add. Must admit to having my nose stuck in a book most evenings.

  2. The first mention you made of a quilt with "slashing" I thought, Oh she inserted an l accidentally. But the second time I read it I thought, wait, maybe it's called "slashing" instead of "sashing" in a different part of the country. So now I'm wondering about "slashing" = "sashing."
    I would love to make a lapghan! It looks so soft and warm! I will look online for instructions. Thank you for showing your work!

  3. You did get a lot done. Nice projects - every one of them.

  4. That embroidered quilt block is lovely. You do good work.

  5. I'm sure your house is still very tidy even after all your crafting. :)

  6. How talented you are - some lovely things made there.

  7. You've been busy this week, Jacie. I really like the lapghan, in fact every project looks so nice. Bailey had her embroidery business take off on one project last weekend and sold 35 pieces, so she has been super busy this week getting that all out in the mail.

    Take care!

  8. They're all lovely items - I especially like the short sleeved sweater you knit. Do you know if the pattern is available online?
    I've decided you are a speed knitter - for having just started the lapghan, you've made incredible progress already!

  9. I love the idea of your embroidered blocks made int a quilt.
