Saturday, February 17, 2024

Saturday Roundup


Sorry folks not much of a roundup today. I had hoped to have at least a couple of finished projects/goals to share with you. I am not really feeling well today and so have actually gotten very little done. I haven't even completed my household tasks for today. Perhaps by tonight I will feel a bit better and at least get those household tasks completed. 

I have spent more time on the computer than is healthy, but I did print out some recipes to try, between bouts of severe stomach pains (and you all probably know what happens with that). Most are meatless or using cheaper cuts of chicken and beef. I hope to try them out next month as this month is already planned. 

Off to have a bit of a lay down. I will try and get over and visit you all off and on over the course of the evening.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. Be kind to yourself - finishing projects is all very well but sometimes it is best to just be . . .
    I hope you feel loads better soon. xx

  3. Oh no. I hope all 3 of you get well soon.

  4. Hope you're feeling better soon Jackie. Stomach upsets are horrible.

  5. I hope you're feeling better soon Jackie, my tummy has been off as well these last few days.

  6. Oh dear Jackie, do hope your tummy upset is gone by now. Better to take things easy and rest when you are unwell

  7. Hope you're feeling better by now. Take care of you!
