Monday, October 10, 2022

Menu Monday


Another week of menus coming up. So far, this month is traveling past very quickly. The days are speeding by. I have managed to stick to my monthly menu with just a few switches. Hopefully this will continue for the rest of the month.

Soup and sandwiches. I have taken the leftover filling from the Cabbage Bread and turned it into Hamburger soup. Serving it with grilled cheese sandwiches. There will even be enough to freeze for another meal.

Turkey tetrazzini served with leftover salad from our Thanksgiving meal.

Beef short ribs served with rice and peas.

Leftover Tetrazzini. Not sure what I will make to go with, perhaps some coleslaw to use up more cabbage.

Salmon fillets, rice and mixed veggies.

Sweet and Sour ribs, rice, and the remaining coleslaw.

Pork roast, roasted potatoes, onions and carrots.

I am going to go through the fridge freezer this week so there could be a few changes to next weeks menu. I need to use things up and now is a good time to do so. However even when I use things up there is always more left for another meal, even enough to freeze sometimes for later.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 
God bless.


  1. It's good to have leftovers from using things up - stretching the food budget is even more important now.

  2. I had to look up 'tetrazzini' as I'd not come across this before - it's a bit like what we call a pasta bake, I think. It looks really nice. xx

  3. I live with my son so it's rare I have leftovers. That boy can eat! I may have missed it, but what is cabbage bread?

  4. Jackie, in the US, pork is a better value than beef. Is it the same there? Mary
