Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sunday Ramblings


It has been a busy few days here on the old homestead. My oven decided to take a vacation and so things got a bit hectic. Yesterday was mostly spent trying to get it running once again. I am happy to say that today it is working very well. 

I did do some sewing and knitting, as well as some work on the rug this week. Pictures will be posted on Tuesday. 

Right now, I feel so far behind in Christmas readiness that I will never get caught up. I have decided that each day I will sew for an hour or so and perhaps that way I will feel I am making progress towards getting Christmas gifts done. 

Other than working on projects, fixing the oven, getting my Bible study done, and cleaning the house nothing extra has been done.

I am looking forward to Halloween tomorrow. I just love seeing the costumes the little ones are wearing. Must remember to change the motion light to a regular one before dark.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Sounds like to did enough, in my opinion. :)
    Have fun watching the children. I miss that.

  2. Glad your oven is running again! Hope you get a chance to see a lot of great costumes this evening.

  3. I agree with Patsy. It certainly sounds like you've been busy. Glad you were able to get the oven working again.
    I'm looking forward to the young ones this evening. Though I suspect that I didn't get enough candy. With the nice weather I'm thinking we'll see an influx.

  4. How fun to have little ones come to the door for Halloween! Glad your oven got working again.

  5. Yikes, who really wants to buy and new over! Not I.

  6. I'm usually done with Christmas by now - not this year. I haven't even started. We might as a family agree not to give gifts this year. We're going to have a family meeting about it. Instead we'll just eat really good. lol

  7. Glad you got your cooker working again.

  8. Yay for handy oven-fixing husbands!! Ours is over 12 years old and we know it's living on borrowed time.
