Wednesday, July 13, 2022

MidWeek Once Again

Wow, once again it is the middle of the week and almost the middle of July!!!

I have been trying to get things accomplished around the house and yard, but with the heat it is beginning to be only the mornings and evenings that I can be out. At that time I have to fight off the mosquitoes. I hate wearing spray so if you could see me outside I am hitting and waving my hands around in between weeding, picking, and watering. Not fun at all.

Inside I have been working on a few projects. Though my mojo seems to be slowly dissipating. I am going to blame the heat. I did get a few things done this week.

Along with the garden work I managed to get this little summer dress sewn. I also hemmed a pair of pj bottoms for my friend (she has another two that need hemming, but needs to turn them up to the right length). I got the needle changed on my machine, a bobbin wound and the machine threaded for the shorts I want to make next.

Thyme was washed and dried, then put in an air tight bag to be used over the winter.

Two trays of oregano were dried as well and stored in the same manner.

I made some more labels for containers in the sewing/craft room as I work on organizing it and decluttering it at the same time. I also replaced a power bar in there that was on it's last legs and I didn't trust it anymore. Pictures will follow once all is done.

With the heat I have been watering the plants a bit more, as well as collecting rhubarb to bake with. Wish it was producing more, I hope to get a few more bags into the freezer.

Knitting continues, and the blanket of many colours is coming along nicely. Hope that I manage to get that finished this month as well.

I went for my biweekly shopping trip and man prices continue to rise. Now our provincial gas and electric companies are planning to raise their rates. In a few weeks dairy products will be rising as well. The Bank of Canada in order to curb inflation raised their prime rate a full percentage point. Inflation is at 7% here now, and will probably climb even higher. I think that belt tightening will occur in most households. 

Kris is now waiting for his car to be repaired from the accident he was in back at the end of February. First the insurance had to wait until the person who rear ended him contacted them and that took almost a month. Then the insurance company and Kia were in a fight about costs. Kia won that one. Next was waiting for parts. He took it in on Monday and was told it could take up to two weeks.... Thank heavens the insurance will pay for a rental so he can get back and forth to work.

Kurt is home and today has to fix his computer as it is really slow. Hopefully he can get it running properly once again.

So that has been my week so far. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. It's hot here too. I'm definitely less productive in the heat. I just want to stay indoors and nap.

  2. Whew! You've been busy with sewing, yard work, drying herbs etc. Glad to hear things are finally coming along with the car mess. That sure has taken quite a long time, but sounds like the end is at least in sight. Love to see the blanket of many colors. Show us a picture.

  3. It seems that our provincial government is doing everything it can to make things worse for citizens. A 17% rate hike for SaskEnergy won't be felt much in summer but it's going to make for a difficult winter for a lot of people. I have a variable rate mortgage, due to renew next June, and it's gone up three times already this year, with another large hike with this 1% increase in the prime rate. There will definitely be some belt tightening happening here or I'm going to have to break down and find a part-time job. My pension went up slightly but not enough to cover all these increases.
    Why would insurance require the other driver to contact them? One would think they have the ability to call/contact that person. I hope Kris gets his car back soon, and that Kurt is able to repair his computer.

  4. We are experiencing all the things you are here in the states. Insurance companies are my bane.

  5. You have indeed kept busy! I thought I was go-go-go but you put me to shame. :O I suppose it all keeps 'us' out of trouble, eh?
    I have a lot of Oregano growing around my garden and love the smell but I don't need to dry any (thank goodness, as I don't have room) because I still have a huge jar of it that I bought years ago.
    I'd love to see the dress on you, it is so pretty and summer dresses are the best!

  6. It was just announced that our inflation is at 9.1% - So far so good for us. I do what I can but my husband refuses to live like a pauper. We haven't cut anything out yet - except the gym membership - that saves us $40 a month but we're going to join the YMCA and that is $40+ We haven't done it yet, because I am waiting and watching what is going on.

    We are truly blessed - no matter what happens down the road.

  7. You've been busy despite the heat. I'm sorry to hear about the car still not being repaired - anything to do with insurance seems to take absolutely forever.
    I'm with you in not wearing bug spray - that stuff scares me, as does sunscreen. I can't sit in the sun anyway because I have an adverse (itchy!) reaction so I avoid it as much as possible.

  8. You are inspiring me to pick & dry my herbs. I really need to get on it.
