Thursday, October 6, 2022

Thrifty Thursday


It is already getting close to the end of the week. Our sons should be home sometime tomorrow, one quite a bit earlier than the other. So looking forward to them being here, even for a few days. I miss the hustle and bustle of a full house.

Just a bit of news before I post the thrifty happenings this past week. Kris was once again rear ended and this time there is even more damage. Poor guy seems to have the worst luck lately. The lady that hit him said she was going to report the accident immediately and I know Kris will do so as well. Lots more damage this time as his hatchback has been damaged as well. He can still open and close it however.

Okay onto what thrifty things have been happening in this household.

1.  Even though the temperature is dropping quite rapidly we have not turned on the heating as of yet.

2.  I picked absolutely everything I could out of the garden. All will be processed and used at some point over the next few months.

3.  Combined errands so as not to use fuel and save on wear/tear on the vehicle.

4.  Darned a pair of socks (they sure don't make them like they used to).

5. All leftovers eaten for another meal, made into something new, or frozen to be eaten at a later date.

Now I was asked what I use pumpkin puree for. I use it to make pie, muffins and loaves. I am thinking of trying soup and perhaps cookies this year since I have so many pumpkins to process. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Just so nice to have your boys home again. Pumpkin can definitely make a good soup. We always practice number 3. Just started moving our wood up to the veranda. Going to need fires very soon.

  2. I'm not sure I have ever darned a sock in my life but I have very fond memories of my mum darning socks in the evening, sitting by the fire while we played or read books. xx

  3. Have a lovely weekend with your boys.

  4. I roasted a few varieties of garden squash this year, and combined them for soup. I love pumpkin or butternut squash soup, and it's the only one my husband will eat. He isn't a soup fan.

  5. Glad Kris wasn't hurt in the accident. I hope he's had the rear-end checked as the accident could affect the undercarriage as well.
    I forgot to bring in my geraniums last night and they are frozen solid. I should have gone out yesterday and dealt with the containers but I didn't.
    Have a great weekend!

  6. That’s terrible about another accident for Kris. I don’t know if he was commuting to work but I know more accidents happen just getting to and from work. Glad he was okay!

  7. Oh my goodness - your poor son!! He's going to think he has a bull's eye on his car at this rate. Just glad he wasn't hurt.
