Monday, December 11, 2023

Kind of Menu Monday


I have a sort of menu for this week, but once again it will consist of using things up.


Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and baked beans.


Leftover Beef Casserole from Sunday.


Now this will be the leftover filling from the Beef Casserole made into a stew. I will be making dumplings to go with this. Love me some dumplings.


I hope there is leftover meat loaf, if not I will do something with some ham I have in the fridge freezer and the puff pastry sheet left in the box.


Fish fillets, mixed veggies and fried leftover mashed potatoes (or I will make some more). 


Leftover stew, served on slices of bread.


Stuffed peppers from the big chest freezer downstairs. 

This should clear out most of the fridge freezer and allow me to work a bit more on the chest freezer. I do have some hamburgers still in the fridge freezer, so those will be on the menu next week.

I did not sleep well the last two days, and while I hope to visit you all later tonight, it may not take place until tomorrow.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I always get ideas from your menus. I have puff pastry in my freezer so I will be interested in what you do with yours.

  2. Your meals sound so good. I love meatloaf and mashed potatoes together. Then the next day we have meatloaf sandwiches.

  3. Sounds delicious, Jackie. We also had baked beans on Monday. I hope you get some restful sleep.

  4. Your menus always sound great. We both love meatloaf and there's always leftovers. However i like how you alternate your meals. I'm not that good!
