Sunday, January 15, 2023

Sunday Ramblings


We ended up getting freezing rain last night so there was no way I could go out for my short walk today. I do need to spread some ice melt on the front steps and down the brick path beside the house. I think I might wait for awhile to do that though. We have hunkered down to see out this latest weird weather.

Once again we watched Mass online. That is getting to be a habit and one that could be hard to break. It is nice to be able to sit in pj's and not have to worry about getting a decent seat, or sitting so long that my back starts to ache.

It has been a regular Sunday. Mass, brunch (that Harvey made), making up the household task list for the week, bringing up any food for the week from the freezers downstairs, and working on the shopping list. That is a slow process as I am trying to keep purchases down in some areas and in other areas (those that have no expiry date) buying enough to last us up to a year a few items at a time. 

I am also trying to remove things that we no longer use from the house and use up more of my yarn stash. Fabric is slowly being used and more will be gone when I begin sewing some shorts and capris for the summer. However, I have to get all those winter patterns sewn first. 

On Friday I got an email about our next Bible Study for Lent. It is going to be in the evening only. I really don't like driving in the winter at night. Mainly because I can't see how icy the roads or sidewalks are. I will be letting them know on Monday that I will be unable to attend and will need to give this session a bit of a pass. They are also having a supper on the 19th which I really don't want to attend either. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I can actually say no.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I don't blame you for not wanting to go out at night - not something I do if I can avoid it. As for saying no - I've learned (after much trial and error) that it's best to just say no and that I can't do that and then offer no explanation as to why. The minute you say why they can manage to come up with reasons why you should. I say no to pretty much everything and then I go home and think about it. If I really truly want to do whatever 'it' is I can always call them back and offer to take part. The secret is to not offer any sort of explanation as to why you're saying no. Amazing how well it works!

  2. Hello. I’m a new follower and thought I’d introduce myself. I’m really looking forward to my Lent bible study. For some reason I’m shown as anonymous. I’m Pat from aplacefor-everything

  3. I sure don't blame you for not getting out for walks in those conditions. And as for driving at night, I don't like it in good weather.
    I agree with M.M. above about saying no. It's easy if you just say it with no explanation. If that doesn't feel right "No, I'm unable to attend" any words that flow easily. :) I've gotten much better at it as I age. I even learned in my working career when someone asked if I'd do them a favour, I would say 'well, it depends on what it is' instead of 'sure!' Good luck!

  4. It's very wise to stay in and stay safe. Hoping you are able to say 'no' - it's nowhere near as easy as it sounds, is it?

  5. Saying no can be difficult sometimes, but you have to do what's right for you.

  6. I'd just say no and stick to your guns Jackie. I hate going out at night, especially in Winter when it gets dark early. You really shouldn't have to give a reason anyway.
    Stay warm x

  7. So many of our church events are in the evening. I just dont drive in the dark, so rarely go. Just say no!

  8. I can certainly agree with you about not wanting to drive at night, especially in your part of the world, with ice on the roads. Much better to stay home and be safe in the evenings, I think.

  9. I've never experienced freezing rain and from the sound of it, I never want to. Is it like hail?

    I don't like going out a night anymore when its cold. I get very comfy after I eat dinner and clean up.

  10. When I was still working, I didn’t like going out at night and blamed it on having to get up the next day for work. Since I retired, I realized I just don’t like going out at night—so I don’t. No explanation necessary. Do what’s right for you!
    P.S. not sure why I can’t comment with my name URL. I’m Linda Hoye
