Monday, November 20, 2023

Menu Plan Monday


This weeks menus are a mish mash of using items up and totally new meals.


Lentil Curry and buns.  The extra will be frozen to be used for another meal later on this month when things get rushed.


I will use up a bag of leftover roast beef and make hot beef sandwiches, mashed potatoes and coleslaw.


Soup and sandwiches. More than likely tomato soup from the jars in the freezer, and grilled cheese. Might even use up the coleslaw for more veggies.


A quiche where I use up the last of the frozen ham. Serving this with sliced raw veggies and dip. I may slice up the leftover potatoes from the roast meal on Sunday and fry them. 


That Eggplant Parma we were supposed to have last week.


Leftover quiche and more veggies and dip.


Roast chicken, roasted potatoes, and roasted carrots.

Lunches will be sandwiches, or leftovers.... Breakfasts will be oatmeal, yogurt, fruit, and muffins. Perhaps a slice of toast once in awhile as well. I do try to alternate my breakfasts.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. It all sounds absolutely delicious! xx

  2. Your menu sounds delicious, Jackie. I’ve never tried curry but have always been curious about it. Soup and sandwiches make for a great meal as well as quiche. You all will be doing some good eating this week.

  3. I'm so hopeless at planning meals. I tend to start thinking about dinner in the morning. Occasionally, the night before.

  4. I am the same Maebeme! hard time planning way ahead.
    YUM - your meals sound wonderful
