Sunday, November 5, 2023

Sunday Ramblings


Well, the ribs did not work very well last night. I ended up trying to pull as much meat off as possible with my fingers in very small chunks. I managed to get about one eaten, and gave up. Filled up on the noodles and the veggies as they were easier to keep on one side of my mouth.

Today it will be mashed potatoes, warmed up leftover chicken, and veggies. Another try to get some more protein into me. 

I finished cutting the bigger fabric squares, and will be getting the smaller ones done tomorrow. Need to work quickly so as to get through the goals/project list for the month. It took a little longer than I thought as my back and hips made it necessary to move around every so often. The weather has changed again and now I get to struggle with the arthritis pain once again. 

The projects I want to get finished next week are cutting the small squares, writing out 15 saved recipes, ordering the yarn for the prayer shawl, starting the Christmas cards, and sewing the dress. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

There is a reason why I try to keep as busy as possible. The setting aside of my family by some of the people on Harvey's side is becoming more and more prevalent. It might be time to start drawing back from the things that family plans. The one sister only seems to care about those whom she thinks have money and has never wished any in my family Happy rthday, or replied to any of my posts. The others seem to phone each other all the time and keep up with all except us. At first it was kind of funny, but now it is darn right annoying. Harvey says I am too sensitive, but this has gone on for years now and I have tried ignoring the feelings of being cast aside or being totally ignored. This on top of what happened with my parish family has made me want to stay in and not see anyone. In other words my confidence is at an all time low.

Eventually I will pull up my big girl pants and move on, but right at this moment I want to curl up and just gather my thoughts.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. That sounds really hurtful. It also sounds as if you have nothing to lose if you decide to withdraw from family pettiness. The gain will be recovering your own peace of mind. Whatever you decide, I hope it works out. Take care of yourself and take as long as you need. X

  2. So sorry that you feel you are being cast aside or ignored by some in Harvey's family. It's not a nice feeling. I don't blame you for wanting to step away, but you are possibly feeling a little vulnerable at the moment, due to your dental treatment and when you feel a bit better, you may feel stronger, more confident and more able to ignore and not feel so troubled by the rude and hurtful behaviour of some family members. You are a very kind and thoughtful person, unfortunately in life, not everyone has the same positive qualities and sometimes no matter how reasonable you try to be, they may never realise how insensitive they are until they find themselves on the receiving end of similar treatment. I wish you all the best with whatever you decide to do.

  3. Family can be such a pain in the....whatever body part you choose to use. Keep in mind that their choice to exclude you are a reflection of their true selves, not you. I have a sister who I haven't spoken to in over 15 years. She made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with me and my children when she packaged up and returned all the photos she'd received of them over the years. Her loss, not mine.
    All that to say, you can't change someone's choices, only your reaction to those choices.
