Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits and Stuff


I am sitting here at the computer drinking coffee, and watching the freezing rain. So happy that there is no place I need to be today, since I cancelled the dental appointment. I am going to stick close to home and get even more of the goals and projects completed. 

I am also glad that Kris works from home today, as I am sure the city is getting the same weather as we are. 

Spent some time yesterday and the day before watching a couple of YouTube channels. There are a few I have subscribed to that I have fallen behind on watching. It really is amazing how some people can manage to put out so many video's and others seemingly drop off after being so very popular for years. I have noticed more frugal and simple living channels have popped up in the last little while. 

Another stitch has fallen out, and now that a week has passed I can use the lovely soft brush to gently clean that side of my upper jaw teeth. Hopefully stitches keep dissolving and I will be able to floss very soon. I really miss being able to use my electric toothbrush and giving that portion of my mouth a good flossing. I will still rinse with salt water for awhile yet. 

The goals/projects for the month are coming along. I should be able to finish another one today, and perhaps get those Christmas cards started as well. The more I manage to get done before the arrival of the yarn, the better things will be. 

A weather warning just flashed up on my phone, yes, both the city where Kris lives and the city where I live are getting freezing rain. Still the vehicles seem to be racing down the streets without a care in the world. Well at least until they start to sElide and cause an accident.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.


  1. We had the freezing rain before 8, then it turned to snow. Om so thankful we moved yesterday, though I'm at the old house with the cleaning crew. Not looking forward to the drive home across the city.
    Glad to hear your mouth is healing.

  2. Glad to hear your mouth is healing right up.
    I am so thankful for our beautiful weather today - sunny and warm and the windows are open! You all stay safe!!!!!!

  3. It's a snowy slushy day here in Moose Jaw too. A good time to hunker down at home.

  4. People just drive like nuts! Happy you are getting better.

  5. Freezing rain sounds absolutely horrible and very treacherous. It is raining here but it isn't freezing, thank goodness.
    Really glad your mouth is healing now - must be a huge relief. xx

  6. Glad you don't need to be anywhere in that weather. Be careful.
    Nice to hear things are clearing up in your mouth!

  7. Isn't it a little early for all of that? Freezing rain sounds cold. Like little pellets of ice?
