Saturday, November 4, 2023

Saturday Roundup


Between napping, and remembering to take all my prescriptions not a whole lot was accomplished. 

I did manage to finish the knitted blanket, and today I started to cut down the fabric from my older clothing. Also gathered more of the items to get my goals/projects completed for this month. Now just to get everything all done that I want done. There is now quite the pile of bits and bobs beside my chair. I am looking forward to watching the pile shrink as the days pass by.

As the days get darker and close in, the temperature drops, and the weather gets cold I am more inclined to stay close to home and get things completed. I won't be walking to get the mail as now that a new house has been built on the corner of the street behind us the road is sheer ice. Walking, in my case, would be dangerous. I really do not need to break anything else. Twice a week I will venture out in the vehicle to pick anything up.

My mouth is slowly healing and I am adding a bit more solid food to the diet. Tonight I am making ribs and noodles. If I find that the ribs are a no go, I will add some cheese to the noodles. Veggie wise, there will be mixed. I am hoping to get a bit more solid food inside. I really do not do well on a liquid diet, I have now found out. Not looking forward to the crown repair in a couple of weeks. Will I need to continue with a soft, smooth or liquid diet? Or will I throw caution to the wind and eat normally?

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Every day it will get better - at least you can eat noodles and hopefully some ribs. That sounds really good to me now. I made a pot roast last night and it was so good. Tonight its homemade pizza my husband will make. He's out right now with his daughter so I am starting to get hungry - I pray for continued thorough healing for your mouth.

  2. Good luck with increasing the solid foods. Are you losing weight? Seems like a while since you've been able to eat normally.

  3. Glad you are healing up. I've never had a crown so I've no idea what you're in for.
    For someone who was resting, you sure got a lot done! :)
